Iona Portal
    “I doubt it,” Araton responded.  “Especially since you’re leaving the Island.  Pele is extremely territorial.  She rarely leaves Hawaii.  She sees this as her land, and in a way it is.  At least she’s helped form it.  She’s the one that keeps the volcano flowing, constantly expanding her territory.  Once you’re back on the mainland I doubt Pele will give you any trouble. 
    “But Pele is just one of the Archons.  There are many others.  And now that you’re aware of their presence, they may target you more openly.  But that is the path to your destiny.”
    “That’s another question I wanted to ask.  How do you know my destiny?” 
    “Let’s just say my people relate to time differently than you do.” 
    “You mean you time-travel?”
    “Not exactly,” Araton smiled, “but we can often see what lies ahead.  Time has many corridors, many branching options.  We have the ability to sense which corridor you’re destined to walk, and what awaits you there.
    “Right now, you have several corridors before you.  Most of them are dark, but one is very bright.  In fact, if you choose it, you may one day save millions of lives.”
    “What?” Erin said in unbelief.
    Araton hesitated for a moment… “Erin, I’m saying that you are destined to be a person of great significance.  You have things within you, abilities you’re not yet aware of, that are vital to the future of your world.  I see that clearly, and so do the Archons.  There will come a time when you may save your entire race from destruction… but only if you make the right choices.”
    “What am I supposed to do?”
    “Your next step is to go back home.  You must return home and do exactly as you’ve always done.  You must take up your responsibilities and fulfill your commitments.”  As he spoke he could see the light fading from Erin’s face.
    “I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, but the days ahead won’t be easy for any of us.”  He lowered his voice, looking more serious than she had seen. 
    “Great changes are coming for your world.  Great destruction threatens, but my people will do all we can to help you prepare.  You’re one of a small group of humans who have the potential to save your world from disaster.  
    “We’re preparing to gather the members of this group together and it’s vital that you are part of it.”
    “When will all this start?” she asked.
    “Within a month you should receive a phone call,” Araton responded.  “It will be an invitation to gather with the others we’ve contacted.  From that point, things will move quickly.
     “I must be honest with you, Erin,” he continued.  “Pele’s choice of you was not accidental.  The Archons know who you are.  They know you have the potential to thwart their plans and they won’t stop in their attempts to kill you.  
    “The Archons have already killed two of those we’d hoped to gather, and they will target others.  They’re very determined.
     “The season ahead will be a precarious time for all of you,” Araton said, looking intently at Erin. “You’re in a battle for your life and a battle for your world, and I can’t guarantee that you’ll win.  You may not survive, but I see no other path for you to walk.  To arrive at your destiny, you will have to face death.”
    “I’ve faced death once already today.” Erin smiled nervously, “Doesn’t that count?”
    “No, Erin, you haven’t faced death.” Araton countered, “You tried to escape life, but you have not yet faced death.  That’s a very different thing.  But that time is coming.”  

Chapter Four:  Mystery
    The darkness lasted a long time.  Lysandra Johnston was dimly aware of unbearable pain.  Of movement.  Of people prodding and poking her body.  More pain.
    She struggled back to consciousness.  There were vague shapes
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