shit the rest of your life? Jobs like this suck the life out of you.” He shook his head. “ Women will suck the life out of you too, if you let them.” He pointed his cane toward the door. “I did you a favor by destroying that note. She would’ve only held us back, Caine.”
“I loved her.”
“Bullshit. You just loved to fuck her. There’s a difference.”
Caine started to protest, but stopped himself. It was pointless arguing about love and sacrifice with someone who only thought of himself. “When we leave, Jenna and I will be returning to the mainland to live an honorable life.”
“Jesus. Honorable?” He limped over and grabbed the edge of the chair to steady himself. “You wouldn’t know honorable if it walked up and bit you in the ass.”
“No more stealing from innocent businesses. No more double crossing our bosses. I mean it.”
“Fuck, double crossing Vardalos was your idea.” Rex pointed his bony finger at Caine’s chest. “Your idea, not mine.”
True, but Caine rationalized that it was for a good cause. Besides, their boss didn’t know about the Bartolome artifacts, only some of the more benign ones. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, and Caine needed that money a hell of a lot more than the Master of the Island needed his.
It was one thing to steal from a rich man who was skirting the law and could buy his own island. It was quite another to steal a family’s only means for survival.
Caine took a deep breath. “Jenna told me that the day after we left, her mother had found the company’s bank account drained.”
Silence slammed down into the room, pulling the air tight with tension. Rex stared at Caine, clearly shocked by his cousin’s outburst.
“Well, shit. Fine. I’ll give you half.” Rex waved his hand between them in dismissal. “I was going to do that anyway. Just never got around to it.”
Caine fisted his hands. “You stole from our employers.” Fuck, no wonder Jenna was furious. “How?”
“After we had sex one afternoon, I—”
Caine shook his head and held up his hand. “Forget it. I don’t want to know.”
“No, you probably don’t.”
Caine couldn’t believe his cousin would take advantage of a woman’s loneliness and strip her of her life’s savings. It was a new low, even for him. “We have to give it back.”
Rex frowned and waved his hand in dismissal. “It’s already spent.”
“But you just told me you’d give me half.”
“I’ll pay you out of the money we make on this job.”
Caine ran his hand over his face. “What the hell did you spend it on? Our boss is paying for all of our expenses.”
The guilty look Rex flashed him spoke volumes.
Caine dropped his hand. “I should have known.”
“It’s only a joint or two.” Rex followed Caine to the bar along the far wall and watched him pour a drink. “It’s only to take the edge off.”
“The edge?”
Rex nodded toward his injured leg. “It helps to keep the muscles limber. There are only two times I’m not in pain, cuz’. When I smoke a joint, and when I’m in the water. That’s all I want from life. That’s all I need.” When Caine flashed him a skeptical look, he grinned. “Well, a nice piece of ass from time to time never hurts, either. Did you know that woman Simone is a total freak-show in bed?”
Caine took a long sip of his bourbon and tried to think. God, what a fucking mess. “You better not be after Simone’s money.”
“What? No, of course not. Just a tickle with a pickle, my friend. I swear.” When Caine flashed him a skeptical look, Rex eased back and waved his hand up and down in front of his torso. “Come on, look at me. Who’s going to fuck a gimpy man if I don’t pay them? A woman like Simone isn’t cheap.”
Caine scrunched his nose in distaste. “God Rex, you’re disgusting.”
“No, she’s disgusting, but in a good way. Fuck dude, you should see how she can put her leg up behind her head and—”
Madeleine Urban, Abigail Roux