Intuition: The Premonition Series

Intuition: The Premonition Series Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Intuition: The Premonition Series Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy A. Bartol
these secrets I want to tell you but I can’t. It’s really hard,” she replies with agitation over having to keep it all in.
    I know I have to let her off the hook because I remember how it felt when I wasn’t able to tell Russell what was going on just a month ago. Was it really only a month? It feels like years—like I was younger then and now I feel so much older—at times I feel ancient, like none of this is new to me.
    “Do you think they’ll get him?” I whisper, and I realize a part of me wants Alfred dead so badly that nothing short of his annihilation will suffice. I want his blood; I want to avenge my uncle. Then there is the other part of me that still can’t reconcile the fact that, because of me, Reed is now at risk while he hunts for Alfred. Even though they all say that the risks are minimal, I still feel a nagging fear that something could happen to him and I will lose him forever.
    Buns shrugs. “I don’t know, sweetie.”
    “Do you think it’s safe now? I want to pack so that we can leave if they get back tonight,” I say, walking toward the bathroom door.
    “Sweetie, do you think Reed is going to let you go now?” Buns asks, looking sheepish.
    “We have to go, Buns! I have to get out of here,” I say in desperation. “I can’t sit in my room after what just happened staring at the walls and wondering when Alfred’s going to finally get me,” I add, turning the handle of the bathroom door. I step out of the bathroom right into the arms of Reed. He looks sad; his face is a mask of regret.
    “He will never get you—please trust me that I will never allow him to get you,” Reed says by my ear.
    “Reed, I didn’t know you were out here…are you okay? What’s wrong?” I ask because he is holding me so tight that I’m sure something else has happened. “Where’s Zee, is he okay?” I add with panic seeping into my tone.
    “He’s fine. Alfred got away,” he says, sounding as if he is choking on the words. I exhale the breath, grateful that everyone I love is safe.
    “Okay…so we’re all fine then,” I say in relief.
    “I’m not okay,” Reed replies, and I instantly panic again. I hadn’t seen any wounds on him, but maybe I missed something. I am about to have a complete freak out when he says, “How did the possessed one get by me?”
    I sigh, “Oh, well, that was my fault because I didn’t know that the compact that Freddie… I mean Alfred gave me for my birthday is really a portal thingy. I guess when I opened the lid, I let it in.” I feel guilty for what I’d done, even though I had no idea I was doing it.
    Reed releases me before he retrieves the compact and box from the counter. Looking around for Buns, so that she can help me explain, she has already left the room.
    “This is it?” Reed asks in an angry voice that he never uses with me anymore. Flinching a little, I lean up against the doorjamb of the bathroom and nod. “Did he ever give you anything else?” he asks, still not very much in control of his anger. Paling, I shake my head no. Reed crushes the compact into a very small piece of metal in his hand. The box goes next.
    I flinch, saying, “I’m sorry, I never thought such things existed— I mean, maybe in fairytales, but not in real life. I wasn’t keeping it from you. I just noticed it in my closet. It fell down off the shelf when I went to get my suitcase…” I’m babbling, but I can’t stop. “I’m just stupid, that’s all. I just don’t think and I can’t seem to stop doing really stupid things…” I have to stop talking because Reed covers my mouth with his index finger. I scan his face to see if my attempt at an apology has had any effect on him.
    He still looks angry to me when he says, “This is not your fault. This is my fault. You couldn’t have known what would happen when you opened it. I’m sure it never occurred to you that a demon would jump out of it and try to strangle you. Please do not call yourself stupid
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