Intriguing Lady

Intriguing Lady Read Online Free PDF

Book: Intriguing Lady Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leonora Blythe
Tags: Regency Romance
think Henri has overstated the case,” Sir Nicholas replied calmly, frowning at the innkeeper. “However, I think it in our best interests to depart immediately, although, if we are to give any credence to your story, Miss Rushforth, we can hardly dash along pell-mell to Calais. I will instruct your coachman to drive at a sedate pace, so that if any of the comte’s men are watching the turnpikes, we will not arouse their suspicions.”
    “ I will tell Williams,” Roberta retorted, annoyed by his presumptuous attitude. “He does not take kindly to receiving orders from strangers. In fact, if you have no objections, Sir Nicholas, I will have to tell him who you really are, else he might refuse to take you up in our carriage. He’s an old man, and a mite set in his ways.”
    “He’s as stubborn as they come,” Henri concurred, “but he’ll not give any secrets away. You can trust him, Sir Nicholas.”
    Sir Nicholas shrugged. “’Twould seem I have no choice,” he said with seeming nonchalance. “Appeal to his patriotic senses, I beg you, Miss Rushforth, if he shows any signs of refusing.”
    “He won’t,” Roberta replied with more conviction than she felt. “I will arrange things to everyone’s satisfaction. Perhaps, Henri, you could help age Sir Nicholas.” She stood back and critically surveyed the gentleman. “I think by at least twenty years, don’t you? He must look old enough to be my father, in case we are stopped. And, Marie, would you be kind enough to prepare us a hamper of food? I fear it would be unwise for us to stop more often than we must.”
    Sir Nicholas smiled his appreciation at these arrangements and watched Roberta with approval as she left the room.
    “I do believe I’m going to enjoy the next few days,” he murmured as Henri helped him out of bed. “She’s a remarkable lady, isn’t she, Henri?”
    He might not have been so cheerful had he been privy to Roberta’s conversation with Mrs. Ashley. That good lady, having spent a sleepless night, was in no mood to listen to Roberta’s request that she ready herself for an immediate departure.
    “I’m not feeling very well, Roberta,” she complained. She did, indeed, look pale. “I had no sleep at all, for just as I was dozing off, a great hullabaloo started, with some mad Frenchman banging on the door as if he were intent on bringing it down. That, on top of the events of last night, is too much for my delicate constitution to tolerate.”
    “I know, Ashley, but I’m afraid we have no alternative. We have to leave for Calais this morning. It is too dangerous for Sir Nicholas to spend another hour here. That madman you referred to was the comte.” She refrained from mentioning her part in the earlier drama.
    “Really, Roberta,” Mrs. Ashley protested faintly. “You mustn’t get yourself embroiled in this. Lord Bromley will be very, very angry.”
    “He would be angry if he heard that we refused to help an Englishman,” she responded. “Come along, Ashley,” she urged. “It will only be for a few days, just until we are safely aboard the packet to Dover. Sir Nicholas won’t need our help once he is on English soil.”
    “You can hardly abandon him then,” Mrs. Ashley argued illogically. “He’s injured. He may still need our assistance.”
    “Then you agree?” Roberta asked, and when Mrs. Ashley nodded, she hugged her. “Thank you. I don’t care what Sir Nicholas’s reason is for escaping; I’m just glad we can be of use, for I found the comte to be a bully.”
    Mrs. Ashley fixed a penetrating stare on Roberta. “When did you meet him?” she asked shrewdly.
    “Only in a manner of speaking,” Roberta ans wered quickly. “I overheard him shouting at Henri. He sounded highly intolerant.”
    “And what did he look like?” There was a lively curiosity to Mrs. Ashley’s voice that surprised Roberta.
    “Satanic!” she replied, and then inclined her head thoughtfully. “Why do you ask?”
    “I have the
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