lip hostage as they parted.
    Cal and Karen slept in an exhausted pile.
Their active lovemaking left them a pliable mass of soft skin and
sleep-fueled groping. Cal was momentarily disoriented when the
wakeup call stirred them both. He took his time watching her wake
as the morning sun warmed her body. “It's going to be hot today,”
Cal thought to himself as he ordered them breakfast. The service
cart making its way over the tile woke Karen the rest of the way.
He regarded her with his own sleepy yawn as she stretched her long
arms, the comforter barely covering her breasts. She ran her hand
through her hair. The same hair that Cal had been entangled in last
night as they slept. He brought over a mug of coffee to her.
    “A cream and sugar girl, I presume?” Cal
said, handing her the cup.
    “You presume correctly my love.” She said,
trying to manage holding up the comforter with her arms as she
sipped lightly, the coffee cup warming her hands.
    The morning went by quick as they both
figured out what to wear to the range. Cal decided on a polo shirt
and his default khakis. Karen stepped out of the bathroom looking
like she was ready to either ride a horse, or shoot a horse! Cal
observed her choice of clothes; dark brown boots that hugged her
shapely calves, tan trousers that looked like they were painted on,
the presence of her thong creating a telltale pattern he followed
until he glanced at her top. She was wearing a light blue wrap top
that pulled her lovely breasts together into a delicious valley.
Lost in her looks, Cal suddenly felt under dressed for this
outing.” How can you under dress for shooting a gun?” He thought,
as Karen strolled over to him. Touching his waist, she fumbled with
her purse as a text message pinged to her phone.
    “We best get going. I have to talk with the
range master about some business stuff.” She said.
    He still felt way out of his element. His
parents had never raised him to hate guns, but then again, they
also never really mentioned guns.
    “Let's take my car. I don't want to have to
shout directions to you at the last minute.”
    “Uh, sure.” Cal said. He only now remembered
how Karen had come from money. Her dad owning the insurance firm
she ran until passing away some years ago. He was apprehensive
about the thought of her having more money than him, but he already
knew that she did. She lived in Montecito. He lived in a tract home
in Atascadero! Of course she had more money than him. He would just
have to get over it.
    They made their way to the parking enclave by
the lobby. Karen split off to go talk to the manager about
something, as Cal looked at the nearly vacant parking lot. There
was his car; a 2005 Honda Accord with most of the glossiness still
intact, an aging BMW, and a brand new Mercedes SUV. The Santa
Barbara license plate frame told him all he needed to know. Well,
at least he had his answer! He heard Karen's boots clip clopping up
behind him. She reached around to give him a strong hug, her hands
resting on his belt as she leaned in to whisper in his ear.
    “I had the manager split our bill. I figured
we should go Dutch.” She said. Cal twisted around to protest. She
placed her finger over his lips and shushed him quietly, her eyes
looking up at his with an indescribable mix of control and passion.
“It's already done. I needed this just as much as you. I know how
expensive this place can be too.” she said. Cal was slightly
relieved in spite of himself. The bill for this little get together
would have been almost impossible to hide from Alice. She reached
into her purse to fish out her keys, the Mercedes making a quiet
“bleep bleep” noise as she pushed the disarm button.
    “Well, off we go!” She said, patting him on
his ass as she strode confidently to the SUV.
    The drive up to the range had been bumpy. He
and Karen talked and laughed occasionally as the car made its way
up the twisting mountain road. Packed into the Gibraltar Mountains,
the range
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