Innocently Evil (A Kitty Bloom Novel)

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Book: Innocently Evil (A Kitty Bloom Novel) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Felicity Beadsmoore
my stomach was fully centered over his shoulder, and his hand was a little too close to my bum.
    “Um , Samuel dear,” I said, so cheekily that I couldn’t help but giggle. “I don’t think you know me well enough to grope me, so how about putting me down?” I’m not sure what it was, but he seemed to bring the worst out in me. For some reason—when I was with him—I had such an overwhelming urge to tease him, to play with him that I just couldn’t stop myself.
    Before I had time to predict it and prepare for a graceful landing, Sam dropped me down off his shoulder and onto a cold stone chair. “I think you’d be surprised how well I know you, Kitty. And for the record, I’m the good guy and Max Tiennan can kiss my ass.” Sam stalked away from me to the other side of wherever it was we were.
    Confused again by his strange comment, I stood up and looked around me. All I could see for miles in front of me were rolling hills and tiny, golden-lit cities and towns. We were on the edge of Saint Jean, on what might have once been a lookout post on the city’s wall. Just below us was a cemetery, Saint Jean’s if I had to guess, and it was filled, not surprisingly, with dark shapes and shadows. To my unexpected and unsettling shock, however, many of them were moving.
    “Okay, Sam,” I said seriously, finally findin g the off button to my flirting. “I’m here and I’m listening. I think it’s time you filled me in. Who or what is down there and what does it have to do with me?”

    Three: Bloodlines
    Right, first things first. I know I shouldn’t have run away. I’m pretty sure at some point in the conversation I even promised not to. I was doing well at the beginning of Sam’s explanation. For some reason, it was quite easy for me to believe that all the scary things in horror movies were real. That Max and his father were vampires whose pets consisted mainly of werewolves. That Sam had died in the Second World War and been sent by God-only-knows-who to protect me. But, it was only when Sam told me why he was here, why it was so important for me to listen to him, that I lost it. Being told that you were born into a long line of women destined to be evil, destined to be turned into one of those horror movie monsters, had a tendency to do that to me.
    Apparently in whatever crazy reality Sam had concocted I was a Daughter of Lilith , a girl child of the demonic first wife of God’s precious first created son, Adam. In the beginning, Lilith had been a pure mortal woman, or so Sam had said, but through temptation and a desire for power she had soon given up her mortal life to Satan in return for an eternal one. With her new powers and everlasting life, she abandoned Adam and their sheltered life together, and set out to prove herself equal to her maker. Sam had told me that Lilith had taken a small piece of bone from her right arm and her left rib cage and poured her breath and blood into the creation of a new life. That new life had been my ancestor, the very first daughter of Lilith.
    I stumbled down another flight of dark stairs in another dark alleyway. I’d lost count of how many I’d run through. I had no idea where I was or where I was going. I hadn’t thought to stop and ask for directions and after Sam’s little fill-me-in, I didn’t even know if it was safe enough to talk to strangers.
    According to Sam, I couldn’t trust anyone, except of course him, because everyone was against me. Even myself. It appeared as though, like my mother before me, my grandmother before her and all the way back to the very first daughter of Lilith, I was now a magnet for supernatural trouble. Lilith’s blood inside of me, her demon blood, was like a beacon to all the evil in the world and I was inevitably screwed. Now, all the evil out there in the big, wide world wanted to unleash all the evil inside of me and harness my
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