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Book: Inferno Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adriana Noir
heart rate to slow. It took several seconds before he managed to pull himself together enough to speak.
    “I’m fine.”
    “I had no doubts you were,” Marx countered. “But that wasn’t the question.”
    “I’ll stop,” he growled, still struggling for breath between clenched teeth.
    “Good to hear. Lower your weapon and let him up.”
    The guard above Sebastian hesitated. Doubt flickered in his eyes, but he slowly eased the rifle away. Taking a step back, he kept his finger curled around the trigger as Sebastian grunted and struggled to his feet. Ignoring the man, he resheathed his knife and tugged his bloodied uniform back into place, still fighting with the heaviness of anger and exertion crushing his chest.
    Marx smirked as his steady gaze swept over the carnage. “It looks like I need to find some replacements,” he said, rising to his feet. “Those expenses will come out of your pay as well.”
    Sebastian bit his tongue. He didn’t give a damn about the money and Marx knew it. It was just another way to try to needle him and crawl under his skin. The silence was thick between them and his heart hammered as he waited for the other shoe to drop.
    “I find this display of emotion deeply troubling to say the least.”
    “Sir, with all due respect, Baas has--”
    “Did I ask for your input, Agent Reevers?” Marx snapped, interrupting him.
    “No, sir.”
    “Then do yourself a favor and get the hell out!”
    Sebastian felt his lip curl in response. Grinding his teeth, he watched his partner cast a worried glance in his direction and reluctantly leave, dragging his feet as he went. Marx stared after him, shaking his head in disgust, before turning his attention back to Sebastian.
    “Do you see where this path will lead you, Agent Baas? Your men, for the most part, are loyal. Much like your family, they will follow you blindly. Think twice about the steps you take and where they might lead.”
    A sickening burst of copper flooded his mouth as he sank his teeth into his cheeks. Little did the bastard know he’d managed to think of little else over the past few days.
    “Tell me something,” Marx said, circling closer as he adjusted his silver rings.
    His stomach rolled in a bout of uncertainty and regret. What would happen to Taylor if Marx locked him down? He shook, his breathing still labored, as he struggled to calm himself down. As terrifying as the notion was, it wasn’t in his nature to buckle or cave. Tracking the man with his eyes, he stood his ground, refusing to grovel or beg.
    “Do you consider yourself a fortunate man, Sebastian?”
    He pondered that, still uncertain of the man’s game. “In some aspects, yes,” he replied evenly.
    Marx responded with a curt nod. “As well you should. I shouldn’t just lock you down. I should exterminate you for the stunt you just pulled. You are beyond fortunate that your precious little whore is laid up in the hospital right now, because if she wasn’t I would have one of my men yank her in here so damn fast your head would spin. If you ever pull that rabid dog routine again, I guarantee you that is exactly what will happen. Do I make myself clear? ”
    His heart seized in his chest. Of all the things the man could have said to him, of all the things he could do, that was the worst. The poisoning sear of rage scalded him from the inside out, burning like napalm in his veins. Out of instinct alone, his eyes raked over the floor in search of his gun only to come up empty. Another effective blow. He drew one deep breath and then another, forcing himself to simmer down and swallow what little remained of his pride.
    “Yes, sir. Crystal,” he ground through clenched teeth.
    “Excellent. I am glad we’ve reached an understanding. That said, I highly suggest you pull yourself together and prove me right in that assessment. Though they wouldn’t be nearly as competent, there are plenty of other men willing to do your job.”
    “That won’t be
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