Indomitable Spirit
the karate school.
    She could hear the kids playing on the playground at the elementary school. It didn’t matter what kind of mood she was in, children’s laughter always made her feel better.
    She figured that was why she enjoyed teaching. Though her teaching was strict, after class there was plenty of time for laughter and hugs.
    Kym passed by the hardware store and caught a glimpse of John walking back into the building. Suddenly her heart rate kicked up. Why did he do that to her? He’d been nothing but crude when he was around her. She’d rather drop him to the ground in one fell swoop than to try to have a nice conversation with the man. But still, there was something about him which had kept her up for the past two nights.
    She was just lonely, she decided. Malory was good for conversation, but besides her John was the only other person in Aspen Creek she had spent more than ten minutes with.
    Seriously, she needed to get out and make more friends.
    Maybe she’d start with Kelley Larson. That seemed reasonable enough.
    She’d stop in there tomorrow. Surely she needed a key cut or some of those 3M hooks to hang up something at the school. No matter what, there would always be a reason to stop in at the hardware store. But she would absolutely make sure John wasn’t there.

Chapter Four
    Kym had exactly four students in her class at three o’clock. Their ages ranged from twelve down to six. It was hard to teach kids that varied in physical ability. But this was a white belt class and that meant everyone was at the beginning of their journey. The goal would be to have this small group of people eventually be her black belt class—she needed a black belt class.
    They were learning basic moves. Front punch. Front punch. Turn and repeat. The twelve year old boy was doing it right and giving each punch his all. His six year old brother on the other hand seemed preoccupied with something outside.
    Kym walked over to him and stood, her hands clasped behind her back.
    “Mr. Pine, is there something better outside?”
    The boy’s eyes widened and his spine straightened. “No, ma’am.”
    “When we are in class we focus on our form, yes ma’am?” she added to force him to respond correctly.
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    She gave him a curt nod and moved to the next student to help them. But it was then she noticed what had caught the attention of the six-year-old Pine boy. There was another set of eyes peering through the back door watching them.
    “Now let’s work on our back fist,” she instructed as she backed off the floor and moved toward the door.
    She quickly opened the door as two children began to run.
    “Stop right there.” Her tone was stern, but she hadn’t raised the volume.
    Both stopped and turned around. The older boy tucked the younger girl behind him.
    “Are you here to take class?” Kym asked, again sternly.
    “No. Just watching.” The boy’s voice shook as he spoke.
    “Just watching? You don’t get good at something by just watching.”
    The boy’s eyes had grown wide and the girl peeked around him.
    “What are your names?”
    The children exchanged glances. “I’m Jacob. This is my sister Abby.”
    “And where are your parents?”
    They exchanged looks again. “My dad is working. He said we could hang around after school.”
    This was where the town needed her. Hang around. That was what caused most problems in society, or at least that’s how she saw it.
    Kym crossed her arms over her chest. “My class is very small today. We could certainly use another young man and lady to join us.”
    Jacob shook his head. “We can’t afford classes.”
    Kym gave him a nod. “Have you ever dumped a trash can or swept a floor?”
    Jacob laughed and then straightened again and nodded. “Of course.”
    “Of course what?”
    “Yeah, I’ve done that.”
    “The correct way to answer that is yes, ma’am.”
    The kids exchanged looks again and both answered at the same time,
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