him knew, he deserved her
wrath. He just didn’t know what to do anymore. Every time he tried
to show Caislyn that he was still the sweet, fun loving guy she had
hung out with for years, something or someone got in the way. It
was, to him, as if the fates themselves were stepping in to let him
know that they could never have happiness together. ‘Maybe that’s
true,’ he thought to himself, ‘but I abadondoned her once when she
was right and she needed me. I won’t do it again.’ He looked back
at the RV one more time, before to heading to clean up the dinner
mess in the one next door. “I love you, Caislyn,” he whispered into
the wind, “always have!”

    Vesta waited until she heard Caislyn's even
breathing, letting her know that she had fallen asleep again. She
went into the room and tucked the covers up around her daughter and
wished her good dreams, because right now she would need them to
get through the mess that was her life. "I never wanted this for
you," Vesta said quietly. "I tried to spare you the heartache your
heritage would level on you. It seems I failed."
    Vesta bent down to pick the sketch pad up off the
floor from where Gregore had knocked it out of her hands earlier.
She took it and went back in the other room to sit on the couch and
study the image that was drawn to perfection before her. Jaxon was
front and center with another woman in the image. They were busy
trying to flank a man, but something in the background of the image
caught Vesta's attention.
    "This can't be," she whispered to herself. She held
the sketch up closer, wishing there were more details in the
shadows of the background. There in the window, a woman's face was
evident as she was climbing out of the balcony window, trying to
escape. "Melina!"
    Caislyn knew the minute her dreams became something
she could control. Ash had been working with her on how to
recognize the signs. Soon, the river before her was flowing
backwards and the trees were bending in to her to say hello.
Caislyn stood in the now familiar forest around the gypsy camp
commanding the world to do her bidding. Now that she had
accomplished that without Ash around to help, she knew it was time
to go find Jaxon. She set her concentration and began to drift
through an endless sea of black, focusing on one fine pinpoint of
light that always seemed to be just beyond her reach.
    Eventually, that light started to get brighter,
closer, and Caislyn kept reaching for it as she traveled on. Soon
the beacon in the night began to take shape and Caislyn could see
it was coming from a specific building. Once she landed firmly
inside she made sure to continue to block her presence from those
who might see her. Caislyn looked around and realized she must be
in Jaxon's mind now, because she had never seen this place before,
yet it had that familiar feel to it. The voice that sang out behind
her caught Caislyn’s attention and she turned, expecting to find
Jaxon there, but instead found an all too familiar face. "Oh my
Gods, it's you!" Caislyn said out loud as she continued to watch
the woman who was hovering around the room. Before long, Jaxon was
coming out of the shower, towel drying her long locks that were
starting to curl at the ends now that the weight of the water was
lifting from them.
    "Jaxon, do you know who this is?" Caislyn asked, but
Jaxon didn't seem to notice her. Instead she continued to walk to
the kitchen.
    "I'm famished, you have anything good in here?"
    "I'm sure we can find some bedraggled little imp to
take advantage of out on the streets."
    "No, I mean real food. I feel like I haven't eaten
like a human in ages." Jaxon said as she disappointedly closed the
near empty refrigerator and turned with a pout evident on her
    "Well, Jaxon dear, last I checked you weren't exactly
human." A small smile played at the corner of the woman's lips.
    "Ha!" Jaxon said as she started opening cabinet after
cabinet in search of something to
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