In Her Shadow

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Book: In Her Shadow Read Online Free PDF
Author: August McLaughlin
‘cure.’  Whatever is wrong with her is worsening. For once it’s he who is afraid. Deathly afraid, for her life.

Chapter Nine
    She tries to open her eyes but the light hurts them. Her head aches. She lies on her back…somewhere. A hospital?
    “Claire, can you hear me?”
    A man’s voice jolts her. Wait. She knows that voice. “Dr…Travers?” Her voice sounds hoarse, distant.
    “That a girl,” he says.
    “Is she awake? Claire?”
    “Gramps.” She opens her eyes slowly and is struck by déjà vu. She’s been in this office numerous times when she was younger, for everything from booster shots in kindergarten to annual exams. Grandpa likely asked the same question when she woke after her appendectomy.
    “Why am I… What happened?” A memory flashes in her mind, something frightening but elusive. Before anyone can answer, she remembers: meat, fear, running. Was there something else?
    “Seems you had some kind of reaction and panicked a bit,” Dr. Travers says. “Do you remember anything?”
    “I ate something…and I was running…outside I think?” She’d run in fear, but of what?
    She recalls the dizziness, the darkness.
    Her heart races. “Did I fall?” She feels her face and head for wounds or bandages then examines her body. Nothing.
    “You did, then you fainted,” the doctor replies. “No broken bones or external injuries, which is a blessing. Do you recall how you felt beforehand? Any swelling? Itching or nausea? Tightening in your throat?”
    “All of that, I think…except maybe itching.”
    “How did you feel before dinner?”
    “I…felt fine.”
    Dr. Travers nods and makes notes on her chart. “Could’ve been an allergic reaction or some kind of intolerance to something that you ate.”
    “Really? I’ve never had any allergies.”
    “It could’ve been a bad batch of something or a particular food you didn’t know you were sensitive to. We’ll get you in for some tests in a couple of days. Until then, best if you don’t eat or drink anything out of the ordinary. If you can remember what you ate recently, that would be helpful, too.”
    The cake. She has no desire to discuss it.
    Dr. Travers gives her a referral to a digestive specialist in Minneapolis and a prescription for pain pills. “Just in case,” he tells her.
    “Appreciate your seein’ us so late,” says Grandpa.
    “My pleasure.” Dr. Travers looks at Claire. “Get some rest now.”
    Claire thanks him and they head to Grandpa’s car. As she climbs in, she realizes that she has no recollection of the drive to the clinic. She shivers. Such loss of control makes her uncomfortable.
    She stares out at the starry sky as Grandpa drives, then glances at the clock— ten o’clock?
    “You sure you’re all right?” he asks.
    “Yeah, just…embarrassed.”
    “For what? Wasn’t your fault.”
    “Is Grandma okay? I hope she doesn’t think her cooking had anything to do with this. I’ll replace the vase.”
    “That ugly thing? I should thank you. And CC’ll be fine. You know her. She’ll be good as new in the morning, like nothing happened. Claire, I know the doc said it might be allergies, but other than that, is everything all right? Anything you wanna talk about?”
    “You mean…was I thinking about Mom and Dad? I always do, this time of year especially.” Was he alluding to the ten-year anniversary? She decides not to mention it.
    He reaches over and squeezes her hand. “They’d be mighty proud of you, ya know…all the people you help. Still remember your momma’s face the first time she held you. So proud.”
    Claire pictures her mother, seventeen years old and pregnant, smiling down at her protruding belly. She closes her eyes and senses her perfume lingering in the air. Thanks, Mom . She needed to feel her tonight.
    They return to an immaculate house—table cleared, food put away, all surfaces shiny and kissed with lemon. Grandma is likely asleep.
    “You hungry?” Grandpa asks. “I can
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