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Book: Impossible Read Online Free PDF
Author: Komal Lewis
only imagine what he thought of me. I bet he and his friends had spent the rest of the day laughing at me. The very thought made my fists clench and my eyes narrow.
    Who the heck did he think he was anyway?
    There was a beep and I looked around to see that Kance was pulling up beside me. Feeling relieved, I climbed in and we exchanged a quick hug before she drove off down the street.
    “Are you ready for practice?” she asked, covering a yawn with her hand.
    “Of course!” I hoped my voice sounded confident because I suddenly didn’t feel it. Maybe it was because I was nervous on my first official day as captain, or maybe my encounter with Luca had completely messed with my mind. “I mean, I’m just impatient for the pep rally tomorrow, so I can ask Oliver out already.”
    Seeming satisfied with my response, Kance changed the topic.
    “So, what did you get up to this weekend?” She turned her head in my direction expectantly. It was like she already knew what had happened with Luca. Okay, now I was just being super paranoid. There was no way that she’d have a clue.
    “Not much,” I lied. “Just studied for math and went through some routines for today.”
    My heart skipped a beat as thoughts of Luca’s lips against mine filled my thoughts. When he’d had me pressed up against the wall, I’d felt every muscle on his stomach ripple under his fitted t-shirt. He had abs that I’d never even known existed. Unlike Oliver’s Hulk-like body, Luca was lean and muscular. Maybe he secretly lifted weights in his spare time. There was so much I didn’t know about him anymore.
    But that kiss, it had seared my lips and…I’d kissed him back. I’d denied it, but we both knew the truth. I had kissed Luca Byron, the freak of the school, and a part of me had liked it. I bet he loved holding that over my head. Somehow, he’d known it was the one thing that would get to me.
    “Ashton, are you listening?” Kance interrupted my thoughts and my head snapped towards her.
    “Yeah, sorry,” I apologized, giving my full attention to my best friend. I would not think about Luca Byron. I would not think about Luca…
    Kance rolled her eyes and turned into the street that our school was on. “I was saying that Elly Marles told Francine that she has a crush on Oliver. Can you believe that?”
    I burst out laughing as I imagined chubby Elly dating the school’s quarterback. I couldn’t blame her for liking him though. Oliver was a catch. Plenty of girls had crushes on him.
    “Are you joking? She gained like 20 pounds over summer. No one is going to want to date that girl.”
    Kance pulled into an empty parking spot outside the school and put on the parking brake. “You know what I heard?” She undid her belt and turned in her seat to face me, her eyes gleaming. “She’s going to try and beat you to it tomorrow. She’s going to ask Oliver out before the pep rally.”
    My mouth dropped open. “No way!”
    “Yes way,” Kance said as we got out of her car and headed into the school building. “Apparently, someone told her that you’re going to ask Oliver out, so she wants to do it first.”
    “Does she really think she has a chance with him?” I asked as we walked into the senior courtyard. The courtyard was large enough for all the seniors, but they didn’t all hang out here. There were a few picnic benches and tables positioned around the courtyard which the jocks and cheerleaders had claimed. The other students could have whatever was left.
    We took a seat at our table waiting for the bell to ring for first period. Kance pulled out a compact mirror and began fixing her hair. “That’s what she’s been telling all her friends. She said she has a better chance of getting him than you do.”
    Irritation clouded over me and I bit my lip. “Who does she think she is? She was a nobody a couple of years ago. Remember when she had braces and that disgusting excuse for hair?”
    “I think she needs to be put in her
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