I'm Yours
but her skin was more
porcelain. She was beautiful, almost as tall as Kara but much more
    “What size shoes do you wear Kara?”
    “Size 8. What were they fighting about
    “Why you of course” Meryl laughed.
    “I wouldn’t take it too seriously. I think
Liam was just trying to get a rise out of Ian. I wear an 8 and a
half so I think some of my shoes will fit you.”
    “What did Ian say?”
    Meryl smiled wickedly, “Ian told Liam to keep
his hands off you because you’re his.”
    “Well, aren’t you?”
    “I…What did Liam say?”
    “That you’re beautiful. You are that.”
    Kara blushed. Why would Ian say she was his?
Was he jealous? She tried to remember if he’d seemed jealous when
she talked about men, but she didn’t do that often with Ian. Was
this a new thing? Didn’t Ian have tons of women eating out of his
hand? Why would he be jealous of Kara?
    “I’m not one of Ian’s women.”
    “One of his women? Does Ian have a lot of
    “I thought so.”
    “Well, if it was Ronan who told you that,
you’d best be ignoring it. He probably wants you to himself. I’ll
tell you this much though, I’ve never heard Ian snarl over a woman
in my life. I’ll have to see if I have some baggy shirts. I’m
thinking my shirts will be entirely too tight with breasts like
    Kara’s hands went automatically to her chest.
Meryl threw a pair of sneakers down by the bed then began digging
through her closet. She threw a couple pairs of leggings on the bed
and then a few shirts followed. When she turned back to Kara, she
    “I didn’t mean to be offending you Kara.
You’ll have to wear my leggings, I don’t happen to have your
curves. I’d kill for some curves like yours. Why do you think the
men fight over one like you? You look Irish, are ya now?”
    “My grandparents are from Ireland on my
mother’s side and also my grandfather on my father’s side.”
    “What’s your last name then?”
    “Ah, yes, Irish and your red hair probably
means you can put Ian in his place. The Blake men need women who
can do that.”
    “I’m far from Ian’s woman. He’s not
interested in me.”
    “Not interested? Ha! Here try these on while
I go make sure they’ve stopped growling at each other.”
    Kara remembered Ian teaching her phrases in
the car and now was her chance to try to figure out what dirty
thing he’d made her say. She hoped it wasn’t something dirty, but
only because she didn’t want Ian making private jokes at her
expense. If he really wanted her, well she wouldn’t mind so much
asking him to do dirty things to her.
    “Meryl, what does t suas mean?” Kara watched
Meryl’s eyes flare
    “It means to ‘shut up’. Did Ian say
    “I asked him how to say it and I just wanted
to make sure he was being honest about what it meant. What about Tá
mé leatsa?”
    “Did you ask him how to say that too?” Meryl
demanded, but Kara shook her head. “Well then Kara, you must be
getting your signals crossed, sounds to me like he’s very
    Meryl smiled and patted Kara’s arm. With
that, she left Kara to change and closed the door behind her.
Kara’s head was spinning and rather than change her clothes, she
collapsed on the bed. She wasn’t sure what this all meant. Did Ian
want her? He was always talking about other women, well maybe not
always, but he seemed to have plans every weekend and wasn’t above
telling her what a great time he had. Maybe this was all just too
much to deal with now in the middle of an adrenaline filled day. Tá
mé leatsa, he’d wanted her to say it to him and she couldn’t seem
to get the words out of her mind as she changed into some of
Meryl’s clothes.
    Kara had hoped for something a little more
modest. The clothes Meryl had given her stuck to her like a second
skin. She would have preferred to stay in her own clothes as Meryl
was at least two sizes smaller than her.
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