noble vision, and I’m flattered I was part of it. Perhaps your dreams will affect mine.”
“Thank you, Anne, for attending this meeting with me. It truly gave me strength.” He then looked at her quizzically and asked, “by the way Anne, what is the affliction that your mother suffers from?”
Anne now looked away, then back at Paul.
“Some call it consumption and various other common names, but all I know is that her coughs worsen almost daily. I worry about her constantly. Her coughs are horrible.”
“Anne, listen to me. I will make an all-out effort to acquire some heroin for your mother’s cough. It’s a miracle as far as coughs are concerned. I will also attain the cocaine for you and your father.” Paul faced Anne and took both her hands in his. He looked into her eyes with sympathy and hope. “I am here to help.”
“Refill?” the waitress asked.
“Sure, hit me, uh, Patti,” Charlie replied, reading her name tag. The waitress refilled Charlie’s coffee and looked at Stanley, who sat perfectly still with his eyes closed.
“Is your friend asleep?” she asked tentatively.
“Nope, he’s dead,” Charlie said quietly and slowly looked around the restaurant.
“Don’t say anything. I’m just doing a little Irish wake before I call the proper authorities, and I promise I’ll have him removed before the stink sets in.”
She looked at Stanley with a concerned expression while saying, “I don’t believe you.” She bent a bit closer to examine Stanley’s face when he suddenly opened his eyes, causing her to jerk backwards. That jerk caused two small drops of coffee to escape the neck of the pot in her right hand.
They landed on Charlie’s wrist, and he quickly brushed them off. “Ouch!” he said.
“I’m so sorry.” The waitress blushed.
Charlie stifled a laugh and nodded toward Stanley as he replied, “my fault. I sometimes mistake reality for wishful thinking.”
“Refill?” she asked Stanley.
“Yes, blow in my friend’s ear there and refill his head!” Stanley replied.
She laughed and gestured with the pot. “Coffee?”
“No, thanks.” And she was gone.
Stanley scratched his head and looked at Charlie. “Go back to that moment when you were attaching the camera to the tripod.”
Charlie let out a big sigh and did as he was told.
“Okay, I’m screwing on the tripod and aiming it to the middle of the room. I’m looking through the viewfinder. Looks good. I set the auto shutter to take pictures every twenty seconds, and then I step into the room and …”
“Charlie, stop right there.”
Charlie came out of his reverie and opened his eyes. “What?”
“Think, Charlie, about what you just said.” Charlie started thinking about what he just said.
“Holy smokes!”
“That’s right, Charlie,” Stanley said.
Charlie started rummaging in his pocket for the camera.
“It was taking pictures every twenty seconds, my god; I must have pictures of Anne.” As Charlie brought out the camera Stanley came across to Charlie’s side and sat beside him. Charlie looked at Stanley seductively and whispered. “Don’t you think we make a wonderful couple?”
“Charlie, if you don’t turn on the camera instantly, I’m going to stick my tongue so far into your ear that I will be able to scrape ear wax onto the tip of it. Then I’ll use that wax to plug both your nostrils, while I clamp my hands over your mouth and silence you forever.”
“Stanley, I think you may have homosexual tendencies.”
“I don’t think so, Charlie, in as much as homo means alike, and alike we are not.”
“I turned the camera on before we started insulting each other, and it didn’t come on.” They both were looking at the camera. The screen was black.
“Of course, the batteries are dead being on nonstop for that many hours.”
“I’ll meet you at my house,” said Charlie.
“Yup,” Stanley mumbled, and they