Ignited & Unhinged (Billionaire Secret, Book One)(Billionaire Romance, New Adult Romance, College Romance)
move carefully in my new five inch black Louboutins .
    Just as I am about to take the third step, a hand reaches around me, preventing me from going further. My back is firmly pressed against a man’s body.
    “Where do you think you’re going?” Damon whispers in my ear.
    Oh. Hmmm. His mouth at my ear sends shivers down my spine.
    “I was just going to explore. I’ve never been down this way before.”
    “Oh, is that so?” he continues whispering seductively. “Would you like a tour?”
    If it led straight to his room.
    “Sure,” I sound calmer than I feel.
    “Right this way, Giselle.”
    He moves in front of me and grabs my hand.
    His lead is steady and I find myself using him more than I would like.
    Our unbroken touch makes my legs tremble.
    Calm down.
    The musty staircase reminds me of the library. The light from The Space only reaches the first part of the staircase.
    It quickly becomes pitch black.
    The stone walls keep the descent cool.
    My senses are heightened. Every part of my body is at attention. My heels clack loudly on each step.
    I can feel my pulse throbbing against his smooth hand. For some reason, the descent reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.
    It feels like a roller coaster too. I’m just waiting for the ride to begin.
    We reach what I assume is the landing and walk through a door I can’t see until Damon opens it.
    It opens onto a circular room with a tall ceiling. Long red drapes cover the dramatic windows.
    We move through it and come to a long rectangular room with even taller walls and floor to ceiling shelves. Filled with books.
    There are three tall ladders attached to rails on either side.
    It is a very old looking library. The kind you would expect to find in an ancient manor house somewhere in England.
    “This is the Junior Senior Library, otherwise known as The Feltmore. Named after a wealthy donor that helped build it in 1897.” Damon is suddenly matter-of-fact.
    Like a tour guide.
    I venture a glance in his direction. He’s watching me.
    “I’ve never been here before,” I admit surprised. I had taken three different tours of SE for good measure. I really thought I had seen it all.
    His voice drops an octave, “That’s because it isn’t on the tour.”
    Without realizing it I had released his hand and taken a few steps into the room.
    There is a skylight. Is it a skylight? The room is filled with natural light that makes it feel like the middle of the day, except it’s 10PM.
    I move to stand directly underneath it.
    “We have daylight twenty-four hours a day in here,” he explains.
    “It’s a special light built into the glass; originally developed as a light therapy in countries close to the poles where sunlight hours are limited to non-existent during the winter months.”
    He pauses. “But there’s another feature.”
    I hear him press something and the light disappears.
    The sudden darkness throws me off balance for a second, until I realize there is light.
    It’s coming through the glass. The stars are shining brightly—abnormally so. Like ten times brighter than if you were on the roof looking directly at them.
    “The glass also augments the natural light of the stars,” he says at my ear.
    I jump. I hadn’t heard him close the distance between us.
    He presses his entire body against mine. I can feel every line of him.
    He’s turned on.
    My breathing picks up as my body registers his.
    His hands caress the tops of my shoulders and down my bare arms.
    I can feel his breath on my neck. It tickles my skin.
    He goes for my hips and spins me in one quick move.
    My face is inches from his. Our noses could touch.
    “You should see it at the full moon,” he whispers.
    I look into his eyes.
    They are smaller, hungry. He licks his lower lip and then he is on me.
    He pulls my hips into his erection and crushes his lips to mine.
    His tongue spreads my lips further apart and explores the inside of my mouth.
    The sensation is
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