a better word than awesome I would’ve used it.
“First time in a limo?” He asked. There was happiness to his voice that I suspect matched my face.
“Yeah,” I nodded.
He grinned once more before raising the glass between us. I moved over to the seat next to me so that I could stretch my legs out and watch out the window. It was then when I realized I should’ve taken the limo in the first place.
But I wouldn’t have met Craig.
Scratch that. I was thankful for meeting him. Everything was going just as it should, or so I thought.
Chapter Six
Knock three times
We made just two stops before we arrived in front of the house, which was the last known address that I had for Benjamin. I took some pain medicine just before we arrived and it was kicking in. I could feel myself growing more tired with every minute that passed. After thanking Bert, I gave him a hefty tip. He was kind to me and found a place to stop the moment I said I was hungry. You can’t begin to imagine the looks you get when you pull up to McDonald’s in a limo. I needed fries in my life. But I felt the pain of it soon after.
Bert drove away and left me standing there in front of a brick house with the numbers 1-1-2-9 posted on the mailbox. Someone definitely lived there. A white ford pickup truck was parked in the driveway.
It took me a moment to work up enough nerve to walk up the front porch steps. I had to coax myself the entire way. Each step made my heart race quicker, and I tried to replay what I would say when he opened the door. Of course that all flew out the window once I stood within inches of it.
I knocked three times and then stepped away. I kept my mind focused on the task at hand so that I wouldn’t appear to be so nervous.
It didn’t help.
The noise coming from inside didn’t help either.
I was a ball of nerves.
The door opened and a woman stood on the other side. “Can I help you?” She asked hesitantly.
“Um, I…” Get it together Tori. “Is this the Cooper residence?”
“No, I’m sorry. You have the wrong house.” She started to close the door, but I stopped her.
“I’m really sorry to bother you.” I apologized. “I’m looking for a Benjamin Cooper. This is the last address I have for him. I’m not from around here. Any chance you’ve heard the name before.”
She stepped back a little farther into the house. “Never heard the name before. Again, I’m sorry.” This time she wasn’t so quick to slam the door in my face.
“Is there a motel close by?”
“Follow this street a couple of blocks and take a right. There is a motel about a mile from there,” she explained.
“Thank you.” I gave her a small wave before leaving.
My only lead had fallen flat, and I had over a mile to walk to get to where I needed to be. Thank goodness I packed a can of mace in my bag because the whole neighborhood felt fishy to me. I may as well have had a flashing neon sign above my head that said, “look at me, I am young, I am lost, and I don’t belong here.” Let’s not forget that I was full of pain medication.
After speed walking through the two blocks, I had to stop and rest at the red light. Just across the street was a park. It seemed safer than waiting on a street corner.
I quickly made my way across to a wooden park bench that was vacant. I sat down, keeping my bag pulled close to my chest. Deep breathes in, and in no time I was rested. It seemed like a nice park from what I could tell. A few people were walking with their ear buds in, while others were playing Frisbee with their dogs. Seemed nice enough to me.
I dug out my cell phone from my bag and typed Benjamin Cooper in the Google search line. Surely there was something on the man somewhere. My luck he was probably half way around the country. A few things came up, but nothing with much help. Turns out the white pages had over five hundred matches for the name Benjamin Cooper.
“Great,” I