I Call Him Brady

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Book: I Call Him Brady Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. S. Thomas
in that apartment with its wall to wall chick shit and blindingly pink enclosure. Oddly enough, I still felt entirely comfortable there. Kind of like I felt completely comfortable around Embers and her family from the first time she spoke to me. Like she knew me or something. Which, incidentally, people tended to do a lot, speak to me like they knew me, I mean. Only with Embers, it somehow felt real and it was making me more determined than ever to stick around her until I figured out why.
    After taking a short tour of the place, I dropped my bag onto the floor beside the bed and wandered back into the living room. I tentatively took a seat in one of the rose colored sofas and was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable it was.
    Stretching out, I rested my legs on the coffee table and got out my phone. Cris was probably still wondering what the hell had happened to me. Well, he’d have to wait to find out. Right now, the only person I was letting in on my current whereabouts would be Markus, my manager.

    While Jack was downstairs getting himself situated in May’s apartment, she and I were upstairs totally losing our shit.
    “Jack Cole is staying in our house!” she squealed as soon as the upstairs door shut behind us.
    “I know! And paying us to be here! It’s fucking unreal.”
    “That’s because I’m a genius.” May’s ability to sound humble while boasting was nothing if not admirable. It was all in the tone.
    “Yeah well, genius, that could have totally backfired. What were the odds he was willingly going to spend five minutes, let alone two weeks, in a place that looks like a giant snowball cake exploded in it?”
    May made a noise that sounded like a tire going flat and waved her hand dismissively.
    “Oh, please. I saw the way he was looking at you. We could have rented him the space under the overpass and he would have set up camp without questioning it.”
    I nearly dropped my keys as I went to hang them on the hook by the door.
    “What are you talking about?”
    “You’re kidding, right? Jack Cole is totally into you, Embers.”
    “Are you fucking with me right now? ‘Cause I honestly can’t tell.” She had to be. There was no way Jack Cole was interested in me. Not when he had hot actresses and super models at his disposal. And this was not a low self-esteem thing. I’m just saying, I didn’t do pretty and primped. I was a single mom who spent her life inside of a food truck. I owned maybe one pair of heels, and I say maybe because I hadn’t actually set eyes on them since 2008 when I wore them to my cousin’s wedding.  My hair was generally styled via wind while driving with the top down and my choice of make-up tended to involve something that went beyond the smoky eye straight into inferno, and then that’s where it came to an abrupt halt. Unless you counted Chapstick as make-up, which I didn’t. You weren’t about to spot the likes of me on the cover of In Style or Cosmopolitan. Like ever.
    I was still staring straight at my sister waiting for an answer while she had her eyes directed at the ceiling, twirling the end of her hawk near the nape of her neck between her fingers. A tell-tale sign she was getting annoyed with me.
    “It was so obvious, Em. But if you couldn’t see what was happening right before your eyes, I can’t explain it to you. Meanwhile, what did you do to hook him anyway?”
    Feeling like a scolded twelve year old who really should have learned by now not to wash her whites with reds, I wandered over to the couch and plopped down beside our cat, Coyote. We had originally named her Lucy when we brought her home from the shelter three years earlier, but had since realized that she suffered from a major identity crisis. Lucy was no cat. She was a coyote. Or at least, she thought she was.
    I could hear humming coming from Jessa’s room. A good indication that she and Mermella had started their daily ritual of dressing up for tea.
    “I didn’t do
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