Hush, Hush #1

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Book: Hush, Hush #1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
list characteristics of a
    … ?”
    “Potential mate, yes, that would be helpful.”
    Without meaning to, I looked sideways at Patch. He was eased back in his seat, one notch above a slouch, studying me with satisfaction. He flashed his pirate smile and mouthed, We’re waiting .
    I stacked my hands on the table, hoping I looked more composed than I felt. “I’ve never thought about it before.”
    “Well, think fast.”
    “Could you call on someone else first?”
    Coach gestured impatiently to my left. “You’re up, Patch.”
    Unlike me, Patch spoke with confidence. He had himself positioned so his body was angled slightly toward mine, our knees mere inches apart.
    “Intelligent. Attractive. Vulnerable.”

    Coach was busy listing the adjectives on the board. “Vulnerable?” he asked. “How so?”
    Vee spoke up. “Does this have anything to do with the unit we’re studying? Because I can’t find anything about desired characteristics of a mate anywhere in our text.”
    Coach stopped writing long enough to look over his shoulder. “Every animal on the planet attracts mates with the goal of reproduction. Frogs swell their bodies. Male gorillas beat their chests. Have you ever watched a male lobster rise up on the tips of his legs and snap his claws, demanding female attention? Attraction is the first element of all animal reproduction, humans included. Why don’t you give us your list, Miss Sky?”
    Vee held up five fingers. “Gorgeous, wealthy, indulgent, fiercely protective, and just a little bit dangerous.” A finger went down with each description.
    Patch laughed under his breath. “The problem with human attraction is not knowing if it will be returned.”
    “Excellent point,” Coach said.
    “Humans are vulnerable,” Patch continued, “because they’re capable of being hurt.” At this, Patch’s knee knocked against mine. I scooted away, not daring to let myself wonder what he meant by the gesture.
    Coach nodded. “The complexity of human attraction—and reproduction
    —is one of the features that set us apart from other species.”
    I thought I heard Patch snort at this, but it was a very soft sound, and I couldn’t be sure.

    Coach continued, “Since the dawn of time, women have been attracted to mates with strong survival skills—like intelligence and physical prowess—because men with these qualities are more likely to bring home dinner at the end of the day.” He stuck his thumbs in the air and grinned. “Dinner equals survival, team.”
    No one laughed.
    “Likewise,” he continued, “men are attracted to beauty because it indicates health and youth—no point mating with a sickly woman who won’t be around to raise the children.” Coach pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and chuckled.
    “That is so sexist,” Vee protested. “Tell me something that relates to a woman in the twenty-first century.”
    “If you approach reproduction with an eye to science, Miss Sky, you’ll see that children are the key to the survival of our species. And the more children you have, the greater your contribution to the gene pool.”
    I practically heard Vee’s eyes rolling. “I think we’re finally getting close to today’s topic. Sex.”
    “Almost,” said Coach, holding up a finger. “Before sex comes attraction, but after attraction comes body language. You have to communicate ‘I’m interested’ to a potential mate, only not in so many words.”
    Coach pointed beside me. “All right, Patch. Let’s say you’re at a party.
    The room is full of girls of all different shapes and sizes. You see blonds, brunettes, redheads, a few girls with black hair. Some are talkative, while others appear shy. You’ve found one girl who fits your profile—
    attractive, intelligent, and vulnerable. How do you let her know you’re interested?”

    “Single her out. Talk to her.”
    “Good. Now for the big question—how do you know if she’s game or if she wants you to
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