Huntsman: Love Will Find a Way

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Book: Huntsman: Love Will Find a Way Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rebecca Davis
trees, I found a dark patch of forest, the bushes coming up out of the ground higher than anywhere else .
    Moving behind it, I sat on my hunches, waiting . I didn’t know what this princess looked like, sounded like . All that I knew about her was what the guard had told me briefly before I darted down the path . As I heard footsteps and breaking twigs, I hunched lower . As the person got closer, a quiet humming was added to the mix . Now, that she was here, I just had to bid my time until the sun set .
    Chapter 5
    As soon as I started walking down the path, I could feel that something was different . It gave me a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, as if a handful of rocks were just tossed down my throat and took up residence in my gut . I didn’t know what it was that had changed, but it made me feel uneasy .
    I walked down the wooded trail cautiously . I knew most of the creatures, both animals and realm-dwellers, which resided in that part of the woods, but every now and then, there would be a new resident who would move in, and I wouldn’t catch it until they ran across the path in front of me or struck up a conversation . With a deep breath of strength, I tried to calm myself, reassuring my inner self that it whatever was different was nothing to worry about .
    As I made my way into the clearing, I sighed in contentment while I took in the familiar area . This place was the only connection I had left to my mother, and it held its position well . I had never seen it start to die or fade . Its beauty was natural and never-changing . During the spring, the blooming tulips and budding trees held the promise of new life . In the summer, everything was alive and buzzing . Autumn was the time when the old things fell away, not dying, but simply leaving for a season . And winter, winter was my favorite . Branches of the trees were frosted with snow, the flowers and grass covered in a protective covering of ice, keeping it safe until spring .
    Like I did every other time I went out, I made my way to the middle, humming the tune my mother used to sing to me . I laid down in the cool grass, spreading my arms out beside me, staring up at the canopy of leaves the trees provided, letting in enough sunlight that I could see but not be blinded . I reveled in the simplicity of such a place, unable to think of anything that could change it for the better . It was perfect in its current state, the wind blowing through the tree tops, the birds singing a late spring song .
    I closed my eyes and praying that I could stay here, forever trapped in this single moment, never changing, never moving . Just lay there in peace, believing that there was nothing bad in the world, no hurt or disappointment . But, that would be a dream . And dreams very rarely come true .
    I tensed as I heard a rustling to my right, much more than the simple deer or rabbit that passed through on a rare occasion . The footsteps kept getting closer, vibrating the ground underneath me . My fingers clenched in the grass slightly, trying my hardest to keep calm and remain still . When the sun above me was overshadowed, I had no choice but to open my eyes .
    I couldn’t make out the face, but I could tell it was a man . His long hair mixed with the sun to his back shadowed his features from me . He sat there for some time, simply looking down at me . I couldn’t help but stare back at him . It didn’t matter that I didn’t know him from Adam, or the fact that I was more afraid that I was willing to admit at the time . I couldn’t move, I couldn’t scream . I couldn’t do anything but stand there .
    After a while, he finally spoke . “Are you Princess Lara?” I managed a weak nod, and he sighed . “I was afraid of that . ”
    He extended his hand, and I took it hesitantly . Standing, I wiped the stuck-on grass and leaves from
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