How to Worship a Goddess

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Book: How to Worship a Goddess Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephanie Julian
waiting for him. The thought made her pause for a brief second. “I have another set to perform. Will you be here when I’m through?”
    His gaze never left hers. “Absolutely.”
    By the time the bar cleared out around 1:00 a.m., Brand thought maybe he’d regressed back to his teenage years.
    He’d had a hard-on all night. His throat felt like sandpaper and his heart pounded like he’d just finished a half hour of sprints.
    Her last set had been in Italian. Well, he was pretty sure it was Italian, though there were a few times he was pretty sure it wasn’t. But it might have been Latin. Whatever language it was, she sang it beautifully. And the kid accompanying her on guitar should’ve been playing arenas to sold-out crowds. Brand didn’t move the entire forty-five minutes of the last set.
    When she finished the last note, the crowd got to their feet and gave her a several-minute standing ovation.
    So did he.
    With a smile, she stepped off the stage and made the rounds again, this time as everyone in the bar made their way out the front door. She acknowledged everyone by name as they approached her to say how much they’d enjoyed the show and to say good night.
    And he could have sworn some of them bowed or curtsied. Weird.
    When all the guests but Brand had gone, she walked to the opposite end of the bar and spoke to the bartender for a minute. Brand couldn’t hear a word and his hearing was pretty damn good.
    After a few seconds, the guy nodded but the look he shot Brand was a warning. The woman obviously inspired loyalty from her employees. Brand returned the guy’s gaze until the bartender disappeared into the back room.
    Then he looked at Lucy and found her watching him with a sexy half grin that made his blood flow like lava through his veins.
    â€œDid you enjoy the second set?”
    She accompanied the question with a little tilt of her head and he watched, spellbound, as one midnight-silk curl slipped over her shoulder to curve around her full breast.
    Damn, he was going to spontaneously combust if he didn’t watch out. Not that that would be a bad thing, but he didn’t want to come off as too eager and scare her away.
    He was sorry to say it’d happened before. He weighed over two hundred pounds and was built to take more than a few hits. Luckily, he still had all his teeth but his nose had been broken a few times and showed it.
    His hands were chapped and rough and he knew his shoulder had probably turned about five shades of purple by now. Still, he’d never had much trouble picking up a woman when he wanted one. And he wanted this one.
    â€œI did, though I couldn’t understand most of it. Italian?”
    Her lips curved a little higher. “Some, yes. And a little Latin.”
    He expected her to go on but she stopped, as if waiting for him. To what? He felt like he was missing something.
    â€œDo you have classical training?”
    Now her smile broadened into a full-blown grin. “Yes, you could say that. Would you like another drink?”
    He glanced down at the tumbler on the bar in front of him and realized he couldn’t remember finishing it. He’d been that engrossed in her performance. “Yeah, sure. It’s a—”
    â€œSeven and Seven.” She moved behind the bar, mixing his drink with deft hands. She placed it on the bar. “A good bartender always knows what her customers are drinking.”
    He smiled and he swore he could smell her arousal. “My dad has the same saying.”
    â€œYour dad sounds like a smart man.”
    â€œHe is. The bar’s been in the family for almost sixty years.”
    â€œSo, Brandon, would you like to come upstairs?”
    Oh, hell, yeah. I will follow you anywhere.
    Instead he nodded, swallowed and said, “Sure, I’d love to.”
    Motioning for him to come around the bar, she led him through the spotless kitchen to a narrow
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