How to Liv
tension and nervousness left my body as Joel’s hearty belly laugh warmed me from the inside.
    “Well that’s a relief.  I tried everything to get rid of this thing today,” Joel smiled, pointing at the lump on his chin.  For a moment he spoke in an almost shy manner.  “I even considered Windex, like in that movie… um, what’s it called?”
    “My Big Fat Greek Wedding?”
    “Yeah, that’s the one.”  He nodded, still smiling at me.
    “Do you reckon that works?”
    “No idea.”  He shrugged as he laughed, there was a casual easiness forming between us.  He no longer looked nervous either.
    A waitress came over and placed a bowl of potato wedges in front of me and a plate of calamari in front of Joel.  I was about to say something to her, tell her she had the wrong table as we hadn’t ordered yet, when Joel spoke.
    “I hope you don’t mind, I was starving and the kitchen was about to close, so I ordered for you.  Chauvinistic, I know.  I wasn’t sure what you liked so I ordered these for us to share and I ordered three mains, so you can take your pick.  Stupid of me to choose this place.  I didn’t even think about the kitchen closing so early.  I’m really sorry.”  He spoke so quickly with a look of concern, that casualness quickly draining from his face.  He was obviously worried about my reaction.
    “Not your fault I got here so late and I’m starving, too.  I’ve just worked a sixteen hour day, so I’m not that picky, but this is a great place.”  I smiled at him reassuringly.
    He looked instantly relieved at my words and moved the plate of calamari to the centre of the table.
    “I like calamari,” I said grabbing a piece and taking a bite.  Then I moved the bowl of wedges to the centre of the table so Joel could reach them.
    “What would you like to drink?” he asked as he stood up.  I noticed that he had an empty beer glass on the table.
    “I’ll have a beer thanks,” I said with a nod to his empty glass.  “Whichever you’re having.”
    “Okay.”  He smiled at me before grabbing a potato wedge and walking off to the bar as I finished the piece of calamari.
    The smell of the freshly fried goodness in front of me was momentarily overpowered by Joel’s spicy cologne when the air conditioner picked it up and blew it in my direction just as he stepped away.  If I wasn’t already so starving for food, that scent could have made me follow him instead.  Mmm delicious.  It’s amazing what a good cologne can do to you, and his was mighty fine.  Instead, I focused my attention on the bowl of wedges in front of me, dipping one in the sour cream and sweet chilli sauce and biting into it.  Joel couldn’t have ordered better, besides Tim Tams, potato wedges were my biggest weakness and these ones were divine.
    “Busy in here tonight,” Joel said placing a beer in front of me and taking a seat opposite.  I’d been so busy tucking into the wedges that I hadn’t even noticed how long he had been gone.  Looking down at the bowl in front of me, seeing that it was half empty, I realised that it must have been a while.
    We both reached for the same wedge.  “Sorry,” we said at the same time, again.  Joel moved his hand over to pick a different one.  We smiled at each other and I revelled in the familiarity of it.  I grabbed the wedge and took a bite, grinning at him.
    “So sixteen hours you say?  That is a long day.”
    I nodded and shrugged, continuing to chew my mouthful of food.  I expected him to ask what I do, that being the next obvious question, but he just started hoeing into the calamari instead.  I ate a couple more wedges and then had a sip of my beer.
    “I like this place.  Have you been here before?” I asked.
    “Once or twice,” he said with a smile, “You?”
    “Once or twice,” I repeated with a nod.
    I took a moment to study his face while he was looking downward.  God he was so good looking!   He was clean-shaven tonight which made
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