Hotline to Murder
the possibility of a female at this point—may have
gained access to the car, previously. He may have been hiding in
the backseat. Another possibility is that he was hiding behind a
nearby bush in the park that borders the parking lot. Whatever the
case, he was able to gain control over Joy and get her into the
    Nobody moved in the auditorium as the
listeners waited for Detective Croyden to continue.
    “Once in the park, he was able to get her
clothes off, except for one sandal. The other sandal was found
nearby. Also found was a tank top and a pair of shorts. Both were
ripped, as if they had been removed with considerable force. She
had bruises on her face and other parts of her body and several
small cuts, as well, which could have been inflicted with a knife.
However, the cause of death was strangulation.”
    There was an audible gasp from the audience,
even though everybody must have already known this. It had been in
the papers, on TV, and on the Internet.
    We think the suspect must be a physically
strong person. Joy was a big girl, and she was an athlete. It would
have taken somebody quite strong to control her. However, there is
no evidence that she was raped.”
    This was new information. That’s why the
police hadn’t ruled out the possibility of a female suspect. But it
would have to be a strong female.
    Detective Croyden continued, “In fact, we
have nothing from the suspect that would contain DNA—no skin, no
body fluids. The suspect was lucky in that respect. But that
doesn’t mean we won’t get him. And you can help. I have talked to a
few of you—those who were especially close to Joy. I don’t have
time to talk to all of you, but if any of you knows anything that
might help us, please come forward at the end of the meeting. I
will give a business card to everybody who wants one and leave some
with Nancy. If you remember anything, if you come across any piece
of information, please call me immediately. Even if you think it’s
inconsequential, tell me. Don’t pass judgment yourself. And now,
are there any questions?”
    Some people in the audience looked around,
but nobody raised a hand for a few seconds. Then a girl timidly put
up her hand. Detective Croyden pointed to her and said, “Yes?”
    “What about underwear?” the girl asked.
Nobody laughed. “None of the reports have mentioned underwear being
    “We have reason to believe that Joy was
wearing underwear,” Detective Croyden said, with a straight face.
“We think the suspect took it with him. He may have a fetish of
some sort. That could help us in our investigation.”
    Detective Croyden had used the word fetish,
just as Tony had. He was glad to have official support for his
conjecture. When nobody else raised a hand, he got up his nerve and
raised his own hand.
    When Detective Croyden recognized him, Tony
stood up and said, “What about the guard as a suspect? By his own
admission he was the last person to see Joy alive, other than the
suspect. Couldn’t he be a suspect?” He had mangled the question,
but he thought it was a valid one.
    The detective said, “We haven’t ruled
anybody out. We are investigating anybody and everybody at this
point. We have talked to the guard several times. We have no reason
to believe that the guard was involved in the murder.”
    It was a carefully worded answer, calculated
to relieve their minds, since they worked in the building. It had
the intended effect.
    Then a boy raised his hand and asked whether
the Hotline phones would be tapped.
    Detective Croyden appeared to consider his
answer before he gave it. Then he said, “The Hotline phones will
not be tapped. Typically, phone tapping is done to allow the police
to overhear conversations and to attempt to determine the location
of the caller. Nancy has pointed out that if the phones are tapped,
the Hotline could no longer claim that your conversations are
confidential, and you would have to shut down for good. Although
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