Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel

Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marissa Monteilh
If we’re gone, Lucinda will be here with her.”
    “Good.” Sequoia paused. “Girl, you
know I’m still thinking about Vegas.”
    “Did Mason ask for details?”
    “No. He knows it was work. No biggie.”
    “I’m talking about him asking you if
we did anything else.”
    Mercedes sounded like she knew her man
for sure. “No. Mason doesn’t care about stuff like that.”
    “How do you know?”
    “He trusts me.”
    “Well, Torino asked me.”
    “About me?”
    “No. About us. About the show and the
trip. I told him we went out for a minute.”
    “You did?”
    “Why’d you tell him that?”
    “Why not. I thought you said Mason
doesn’t care.”
    “What else did you tell him?”
    “That you had a grind-fest with a
    “No I didn’t. That’s not even funny.”
    “Oh, excuse me. It wasn’t a
grind-fest. It was straight up sex on the dance floor.”
    “Sequoia. You know it was not that
deep. It was just dancing.”
    “Okay. But I didn’t go into all that.
That’s for you to tell. I’m just saying, it’s not like you two went any further
afterwards, right?”
    “Of course not. When would I have had
time to go further than that?”
    “Beats me.”
    Suddenly, TJ asked, “Mommy, will you
play with me?” sounding tired, actually yawning.
    “Now how are you going to play when
you’re about dozing off, TJ?”
    “I’m not tired.”
    “Oh, Lord. A child’s famous last words
before they conk out. Listen, girl. I’ve gotta go put this boy to bed. I’ll
talk to you later. Maybe I’ll see you while I’m over there tomorrow.”
    “Okay. Talk to ya. And watch yourself,
with your big mouth.”
    “Wow, if that ain’t the pot calling
the kettle black? You’re Wilson family central.”
    The clock struck three in the morning
when Sequoia heard Torino walk in their master bedroom and then head to the
    There was an amber light shining next
to Torino’s side of the bed. The room smelled like her angel-food body oil.
    Torino took off his clothes, all but
his boxers, and before Sequoia could even turn over to look his way, he came
back out. He headed to their walnut-framed bed and got under the covers,
planting a kiss on her nose.
    She looked over at the digital clock.
“Wow. That was a long night.”
    “It was.”
    She turned her body toward him. “Was
it crowded?”
    “Yes. Way too many folks.”
    “Too many?” She ran her fingers
through her hair. “Since when is that a bad thing?”
    “Let’s just say one too many.”
    “What do you mean?” she asked, giving
him a look. She sat up and scooted herself all the way back against the
    “It was Colette. Colette came in
tonight with a couple of her friends.”
    Sequoia frowned instantly. “I thought
you’d asked the bouncers not to let her back in after all the crap she pulled
years ago.”
    “I did. But that was a long time ago.
I’ve got new guys, and a new cashier. I’d forgotten about it, actually. I just
never thought she’d have the nerve to come back in there.”
    Sequoia began massaging her temples.
“Anyway, I’m not surprised.” Her voice grew deeper. “Did she at least behave,
    “In a way.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “Colette wants child support.”
    Her eyes bugged. “Child support? She
wants you to pay child support for Kyle’s son?”
    “She’s still insisting I’m that boy’s
    “Oh, please. I thought after she
showed up in Mason’s backyard threatening to stab herself in the stomach when
she was pregnant, she’d go away and live her tripped out, wacky life and focus
on her so-called modeling career. Now, all of a sudden out of the blue she
wants child support. That’s just crazy.”
    “Honestly, I think they’re having
problems. For her to come up with this now, she’s obviously suddenly worried
about money. And, she said she wants something else.”
    “What?” She braced herself.
    “She wants to give Kyle Jr.
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