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Book: Horse-Sitters Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Bryant
but Stevie and I know even less.” She shrugged. “What do you think?”
    “I guess I can do a little research,” Carole said slowly. “I have some books at home that might have a few tips.”
    “That’s the spirit,” Stevie said. “See? This is what teamwork is all about.”
    “True,” Carole said. “Although I think next time one of the team members decides to take on more clients, she should discuss it with the rest of the team
.” She gave Stevie a meaningful look.
    But Stevie wasn’t paying attention. “Just think of all themoney we’ll be making,” she said happily. “It’s hard to believe that two days ago that bridle and everything seemed totally out of reach. But now we’re almost halfway there.”
    Lisa added the numbers quickly in her head. “Hey, you’re right,” she said. “Once these horse-sitting jobs are over, maybe we can come up with a way—a
way, that is—to earn the rest of the money.” She sighed. “I can almost feel my gorgeous new chaps right now.”
    “Well, enjoy it while you can,” Carole warned. “Because I have the funniest feeling that all we’re going to be feeling for the next week or so is

T HAT EVENING AFTER helping with the dinner dishes, Carole sat in the living room poring over one of her books. “You know, Tennessee walking horses are really fascinating,” she told her father.
    “Hmm?” Colonel Hanson replied, looking up from the magazine he was reading. “Why’s that, honey?”
    “Well, for one thing, their walk is as fast as most horses’ trots. And of course it’s much smoother. So they’re great for endurance riding, as well as lots of other things.” Carole sighed and closed the book. “I’ll be right back. I’ve read everything there is in these.” She picked up the small stack of books she had brought down from her room and headed upstairs.
    She was back a few minutes later with a new stack. “One ofthese days you’re going to have to start your own equestrian library,” her father teased.
    Carole smiled. “Very funny,” she replied. “But seriously, I’m worried about finding the information I need in any of these books. Most of them just describe the running walk, say that it’s mostly natural, that owners can help the horse develop and refine it—but they don’t tell you how to go about doing that.” She sighed. “I don’t want to let Mr. French down.” Over dinner she had told her father about Stevie’s latest moneymaking plan. He had been a little concerned at how much extra work the girls were taking on until Carole had promised him her schoolwork wouldn’t suffer.
    “If I know you girls, you won’t let him down,” he predicted. “You’ll find a way to triumph. You always do.”
    That made Carole feel a little better. “I hope so,” she said.
    “Don’t just hope,” Colonel Hanson said, sounding very much like the lifelong Marine he was. “Do it!”
    Carole grinned and saluted. “Yes
!” she replied. She opened one of the new books and got to work. But after a few minutes she closed it and put it aside. “Nothing in this one, either,” she said glumly. “I wish I had that set of videos now. It might be more help than these books.”
    Colonel Hanson looked at her sympathetically, but the phone rang before he could reply. “Just a sec,” he said, setting down his magazine and getting up to answer. “Carole, it’s for you,” he called a moment later.
    Carole went to the phone, expecting it to be Stevie or Lisa.But instead Polly Giacomin was on the other end of the line. She sounded frantic.
    “Thank goodness you’re there, Carole,” she exclaimed. “I already tried Stevie and Lisa and nobody answered at either of their houses.”
    “What is it, Polly?” Carole asked. “Is it something to do with Romeo?”
    “Not exactly,” Polly replied. “But you know that my whole family is going out of town, right? That’s why I needed you to ride Romeo.”
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