Hope (Book 2, Harvester of Light Trilogy; Young Adult Science Fiction)

Hope (Book 2, Harvester of Light Trilogy; Young Adult Science Fiction) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Hope (Book 2, Harvester of Light Trilogy; Young Adult Science Fiction) Read Online Free PDF
Author: S.J. West
face the
truth.  The outside world is dying and they’re not even trying to do anything
about it.  They’re acting like nothing exists outside of this place.”
    “I guess they’ve
just been here for so long they figure the rest of the world doesn’t matter to
them anymore.  Why face a nightmare if you don’t have to?  It’s easier to
ignore a problem than find a way to solve it.”
    “I can’t do that,
Ash.  I can’t turn my back and pretend everything is all right because it
    Ash stopped
walking which made me stop and turn back to face him.
    “Are you thinking
about saving the world or just one person in it?” He asked.
    “I don’t forget
about the people who mean something to me,” I replied, hoping he would leave it
at that.
    Ash stared at me
for what seemed like an hour but in reality was only a few fleeting seconds.
    He walked up to me
and laced our fingers together, sliding his skin against mine intimately.
    “I know what I’m
about to ask might be impossible for you to do, but for tonight, can we pretend
we’re like everyone else down here and forget about what’s outside of this
place?  We can figure out a way to save the world tomorrow.  All I want is one
night with you where I don’t have to think about anything or anyone except
you.  Can you give me that, Skye?”
    The look of
heartbreaking longing in Ash’s eyes made me suddenly feel guilty for being so
caught up in my own worries.  I wanted to give Ash what he asked for, but I
wasn’t sure how long I would be able to pretend the outside world and all its
horrors didn’t exist.  He was one of only a few people who truly understood me
and knew how hard it was for me to let things go.  All I could do in response
was nod my head, letting him know I would try my best to give him one night
where I didn’t worry about anything but being with him.
    The dance was held
near an elaborate dolphin inspired water fountain in the center of Central Park. 
White lights twinkled in the trees around us giving the illusion of a million fireflies
lighting the festivities.  A band was set up on a stage playing songs which had
been popular before the war.  Everything looked perfect.  Everything looked
    Zoe turned out to
be a natural dancer.  It didn’t seem to matter what song played she knew
exactly how to move her body to the beats.  I felt like a fish out of water
flailing around on hot concrete desperately trying to not make myself look like
a complete fool.  Ash was about as bad at dancing as I was, but I couldn’t
quite tell if he was doing it on purpose just to match my own poorly timed
steps or if it was real.  I hoped for his sake he was just trying to not make
me feel bad.
    “Hey guys!”
    Kirk and Teegan
bounced over to us.  I saw Kale’s mouth open slightly as his eyes went all googly
at the site of Teegan and wondered if he even realized he was doing it.
    Kirk had worked
his magic once again with Teegan.  Her hair was perfectly straight falling down
to her waist.  She had the barest hint of make up on her face but Teegan was
someone who didn’t need the assistance of make up to accentuate her natural
beauty.  She wore a white chiffon dress with a heart shaped bodice which set
off the rich cinnamon brown color of her skin.
    “Hi,” Kale said,
staring at Teegan like she was the fifth wonder of the world.
    “Oh my god,” Zoe
said, grabbing Kale’s hand and Teegan’s hand and firmly placing them one on top
of the other.  “Go dance with the girl, you goof.”
    Kale’s eyes
widened like a trapped animal.
    “But…” he started
to say before being cut off by Zoe.
    “Listen, you like
her and she likes you.  I’m tired of being your go between.  Now shoo,” Zoe
waved her hands like she was chasing away two children.  “Go have fun.  You can
thank me later.”
    Kale turned to
Teegan.  A slow grin spread his lips before he tugged Teegan onto the dance
floor and twirled her into his
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