Honeymoon from Hell IV
brother dutifully repeated the offer that their parents had
tried to shove down his throat before they’d finally conceded and
boarded the ship to return to England. They’d left it on James’
shoulders to convince Robert to accept their offer to pay for a
European tour, wet nurse, carriage and a full line of servants to
follow them as they dined at the finest restaurants in Europe all
while their every need was met. It was the type of trip that either
one of them could have rightfully expected thanks to the station
that they’d been born to, but that wasn’t the world that they
belonged to anymore.
    The world that they belonged to had
bills, limited resources, obligations, and the knowledge that if he
couldn’t work then his family would starve. It wasn’t a comfortable
existence, but it was the one that he’d chosen. He’d come to
America to make a new life for his family and to get a fresh start
and he couldn’t do that if he allowed himself to depend on his
family for support. He loved his family, more than anything, but if
he was going to make it, if his family had any chance at all of
surviving and making a life for themselves, then they needed to do
this on their own.
    He needed to do this on his own.
    He needed to know that no matter what
life threw at them that he could not only handle it, but that he
could come out on top, keeping his family safe while making
something of himself here. He needed to do this on his own and that
meant that he did this completely on his own, without his family’s
purse strings or influence.
    He sure as hell didn’t need them paying
for his honeymoon.
    “I don’t want your money, James,” he
bit out, insulted that everyone in his family and in hers kept
offering to throw money at them, terrified that they were going to
die in the streets.
    “You know the money really belongs to
Elizabeth,” James said quietly, saying the one thing that was
guaranteed to make him stop walking and turn around so that he
could face his brother.
    For a moment he considered breaking his
brother’s nose for bringing up something that was better left
unsaid, but the tormented expression on James’ face stopped
    “We don’t want the money, James,” he
said, suddenly feeling every single one of those long hours that
he’d worked to make sure that they had extra money in the bank so
that they could survive another year without having to beg their
family for help.
    “It should have been yours,” James said
tightly, a muscle clenching in his jaw as he stood there, forcing
himself to look Robert in the eye.
    He met his brother’s gaze and shook his
head, “I got what I wanted.”
    His brother’s lips twitched as he
nodded in understanding. “Elizabeth.”
    “ Elizabeth,” he agreed with
a chuckle and a wink as he headed inside, more than ready to put an
end to this day and crawl in bed with the woman that he loved and
hold her all night.

Chapter 3
    “Dear, it will be fine,” Mrs. Brown
said even as the normally stoic woman shot the two young women
cowering in the corner a pleading look, praying that they
understood the silent message that she was sending them, but of
course they were still ignoring her and fixated on the young woman
in her arms crying.
    “I-I don’t un-understand what went
wrong,” Elizabeth sobbed, somewhat hysterically as she hugged the
basket filled with burnt biscuits, which really looked like discs
of charcoal, to her chest as she continued to sit there, in the
corner, on the floor, finally having the breakdown that Mrs. Brown
had been waiting for since the twins were born.
    “They just got a little brown, that’s
all,” Mrs. Brown said, trying to not to glance down at the basket
full of charcoal as she told Elizabeth yet another lie just to make
it through the day. “I’m sure Robert will love them,” she said,
this time forcing a smile that unfortunately probably resembled a
grimace, because just the thought of that boy eating these things
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