Home Alone 2

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Book: Home Alone 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Todd Strasser
before the cops track us down," Harry said. "I figure we have time for one big score. Then we buy some phony passports and split for good."
    Ahead of them on the sidewalk, a man wearing a fake white beard and a Santa suit was ringing a bell.
    "Please contribute to the New York Children's Hospital," he said, pointing to a small bucket full of change on a folding table. As people passed they dropped coins into the bucket. As Marv and Harry passed, Marv stuck his hand into the bucket.
    "How do you like that?" Marv asked a few steps later, showing Harry the coins stuck to the tape on his fingers.
    Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. Stuck to his partner's fingers was a dime and four pennies. "That's really smart, Marv. Bust out of jail, hop a truck, ride seven hundred miles to New York to swipe fourteen cents off a Santy Claus."
    "Every little bit helps." Marv peeled the coins off. "And you know what? Now we got ourselves a new name. No more Wet Bandits. From now on, we're the Sticky Bandits."
    "That's very cute," Harry said, rolling his eyes. It was moments like these that made him think he should be working alone.
    Not far away, Kevin was also walking down the sidewalk, unable to get the memory of that disgusting pigeon lady out of his mind. It was so gross. Why would anyone let pigeons hang all over them like that? The thought made him shiver as he waited in a crowd of holiday shoppers for the light to change. The streets were backed up with traffic, and everyone was honking their horns. The "walk" light came on and Kevin followed the other pedestrians weaving in and out of the cars stuck in the intersection.
    Across the street, Harry and Marv also stepped off the curb. Seconds later, in the middle of the intersection, Kevin squeezed between the bumpers of two cars and brushed past the escaped cons. Suddenly Harry stopped and turned around. He caught a glimpse of a kid with blond hair.
    Naw, he thought, it couldn't be.
    "What's the matter?" Marv asked.
    Harry shook his head. "Thought I saw something."
    Marv looked over his shoulder. Seeing nothing, he turned and accidentally bumped into the back of a woman wearing a short, dark coat.
    The woman turned and glared at him. She had straight blonde hair and sunglasses and looked like a fashion model.
    "Oh, uh, sorry," Marv automatically apologized. But when he saw how pretty she was, he grinned.
    Whap! She slapped him in the face and walked away.
    "Hey, Marv." Harry couldn't help smiling. "Anyone ever tell you ya got less brains than a toadstool?"

December 23

    Miami Airport

    2-30 PM
    Officer Bennett was on the phone. On the other side of the desk, Kate tapped her fingers nervously and Peter gnawed on his thumbnail. Just because Kevin had miraculously defended himself against two vicious criminals at home the year before didn't mean he could survive on his own in O'Hare Airport.
    Bennett hung up and shook his head. "Sorry, folks. The police at O'Hare haven't seen him."
    Kate and Peter stared at each other. What if Kevin had been kidnapped? Kate slumped down in the chair, sick with worry. Peter placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
    "Do either of you have a recent photo of the boy?" Bennett asked.
    "I have one." Peter reached into his pocket for his wallet, but it wasn't there. "My wallet's gone.
    "Where could it be?" Kate asked.
    "It was in my travel bag."
    "Where's that?" Bennett asked.
    Peter rubbed his chin and thought. "The last I remember, Kevin wanted it at the airport. He was looking for batteries."
    "You think he took it?" Kate asked.
    "I bet he did," Peter said.
    "Then he could have your wallet," Bennett said. "Were there credit cards in it?"
    "Sure," Peter said. "Credit cards, money, my address book, a camera . . ."
    "We'll notify the credit card companies." Bennett picked up the phone and started dialing. "If your son uses any of the cards we'll be able to get a location on him."
    Kate shook her head wearily. "I don't think Kevin even knows how to use a
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