Holy Shift!

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Book: Holy Shift! Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robert Holden
light within you is sufficient. It alone has power to give the gift of sight to you.
    Exclude the outer world, and let your thoughts fly to the peace within.
    They know the way.
    For honest thoughts, untainted by the dream of worldly things outside yourself, become the holy messengers of God Himself.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 188. 6:1-6.

    This is the only thing that you need do for vision, happiness, release from pain and the complete escape from sin, all to be given you.
    Say only this, but mean it with no reservations, for here the power of salvation lies:
    I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.
    Deceive yourself no longer that you are helpless in the face of what is done to you.
    Acknowledge but that you have been mistaken, and all effects of your mistakes will disappear.
    Text-21. II. 2:1-7.

    Pain, illness, loss, age and death seem to threaten me.
    All my hopes and wishes and plans appear to be at the mercy of a world I cannot control.
    Yet perfect security and complete fulfillment are my inheritance.
    I have tried to give my inheritance away in exchange for the world I see. But God has kept my inheritance safe for me.
    My own real thoughts will teach me what it is.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 56. 1:3-8.

    The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still.
    Text-28. I. 11:1.

    You are the Will of God.
    Do not accept anything else as your will, or you are denying what you are.
    Deny this and you will attack, believing you have been attacked. But see the Love of God in you, and you will see it everywhere because it is everywhere.
    See His abundance in everyone, and you will know that you are in Him with them.
    They are part of you, as you are part of God. You are as lonely without understanding this as God Himself is lonely when His Sons do not know Him.
    The peace of God is understanding this.
    Text-7. VII. 10:1-8.

    You always choose between your weakness and the strength of Christ in you.
    And what you choose is what you think is real.
    Text-31. VIII. 2:3-4.

    No course whose purpose is to teach you to remember what you really are could fail to emphasize that there can never be a difference in what you really are and what love is.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 127. 4:1.


    Only the Love of God will protect you in all circumstances.
    It will lift you out of every trial, and raise you high above all the perceived dangers of this world into a climate of perfect peace and safety.
    It will transport you into a state of mind that nothing can threaten, nothing can disturb, and where nothing can intrude upon the eternal calm of the Son of God.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 50. 3:1-3.

    You are only love, but when you deny this, you make what you are something you must learn to remember.
    Text-6. III. 2:3.

    Remember that in every attack you call upon your own weakness, while each time you forgive you call upon the strength of Christ in you.
    Do you not then begin to understand what forgiveness will do for you?
    It will remove all sense of weakness, strain and fatigue from your mind.
    It will take away all fear and guilt and pain.
    It will restore the invulnerability and power God gave His Son to your awareness.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 62. 3:1-5.

    Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
    Here is the answer to your search for peace.
    Here is the key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense.
    Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace.
    Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 121. 1:1-4.

    God is not partial.
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