His Purrfect Mate

His Purrfect Mate Read Online Free PDF

Book: His Purrfect Mate Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aliyah Burke
so quick she wasn’t sure it wasn’t just a figment of
her imagination. She didn’t mention it, just waited for him to
answer her.
    “ I needed a change of
scenery.” Those eyes grew heated. “And I have to say, I like the
scenery around here.”
    Her body grew near its
boiling point. Aida shifted against the seat and prayed she didn’t
make a fool of herself and throw herself at this mouthwatering
specimen of a man. Thought you had
everything you wanted. Had no need for a man, her brain taunted. Oh, but she wanted this one.
    “ There isn’t another place
like it in the world. I feel so alive here.” She looked at him,
found his stare fixed upon her face. “Do you know what I mean? What
it’s like to feel so close to something, it’s as if it flows
through your veins instead of blood and pumps your heart.” With a
shrug, Aida shook her head. “I don’t know how to explain it. But I
understand the need for a change of scenery. Until you find
the one place,
you keep traveling and looking.”
    If possible, more heat
flared in his gaze. “Yes. Everyone has that one thing that makes them feel whole
and complete.”
    For a brief moment in time, Aida felt as if
his words were about her. With a strong mental shake, she shoved
down her fantasy and focused on the man across from her. So
powerful, such a presence about him, he made her think things,
things she had no business thinking about a man who after another
forty-eight hours she wouldn’t see again.
    “ I suppose they do,” she
acquiesced. “Now, I can tell you’re a private man. So tell me
something about you which you wouldn’t mind sharing.”
    A sexy smile curved up the left side of his
mouth and his tawny-green-gold eyes burned with feral heat. “I’m
    Aida couldn’t help it, she laughed. Dane
arched a brow at her waiting with endless patience until she found
a way to control her mirth.
    “ The fact that I’m single
is amusing to you, solnyshko
moyo ?” he questioned.
    Holding up her hand, Aida licked her lips.
“I don’t think I want to know what you called me. I figured you
were. You don’t have a woman with you, and there is no ring on your
finger, which I bet you would be wearing if you were attached. I
can’t imagine anyone letting you wander around without some sign of
    “ Claimage?” He stared at
her over the rim of his glass, amusement lurking in his eyes behind
the heat.
    “ Isn’t that a word?” She
shrugged easily. “Well, you get the idea. Unless, of course, you’re
telling me you’re here on some top-secret clandestine
    “ No,” he said, his tone
kind of sharp. “Not anything like that. My motives were pure when I
arrived here.”
    She arched a brow. “Were?”
    Dane’s eyes flared even hotter. “Yes,
    Her belly flipped and
flopped as his gaze singed her. Sweet
goddess, this man could seriously get it. Aida wasn’t sure what to make of the small grin that turned
up the corner of his kissable lips. I
would love to experience everything beneath those clothes that only
highlight his fineness. Dane shifted on
his chair, and his gaze flared again.
    “ Thank you for the meal,
but I should get to work on that roof.” He pushed back from the
table and slipped out the door before she could say another word to
    “ Men are strange
creatures,” she muttered. Ruger and Kamau stared at her and whined.
Getting up from the table, she shook her head at them. “I didn’t
mean you two. I love you guys.” Apparently, they were appeased by
that, for both dogs laid their broad heads down and sighed
contentedly. She worked quickly at cleaning up. There wasn’t much
to put away so it didn’t take her long.
    Finished, Aida walked to a window and
watched Dane stride by carrying the ladder. He’d removed his shirt,
and the sun gleamed off his tanned skin. A tool belt rode low on
his lean hips, and she groaned, shifting her legs to try and stem
the flow of moisture. It didn’t
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