His Imperfect Mate 26

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Book: His Imperfect Mate 26 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lynn Hagen
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Vampires, mm
emerald greens and rich golds. Sloane went to the closet and pulled out dark curtains, as if the man had anticipated D being there.
    “They’ll be up in a second. Get under the covers until then.”
    “Stop arguing and do what I say,” Sloane snapped as he hung the curtains. D crawled onto the bed and then scooted under the covers.
    Sloane was mad. That much was certain. He just didn’t know if the wolf was mad about D’s father or having to put D up for the day.
    With the way D’s life was going, it was probably both.
    “There,” Sloane said as he attached the last curtain. “Now get some sleep.”
    D watched as the wolf left the room, shutting the door behind him.
    This wasn’t exactly what he had planned when he ran here, but damn if sleeping in his mate’s bed wasn’t nice. He curled onto his side and closed his eyes, a smile on his face for the first time in months.

Chapter Three
    Sloane opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he stretched and scratched at his chest. He could still see the sun, which meant it wasn’t time for D to get up yet. Pushing away from the couch, Sloane padded upstairs in his bare feet as he went to check on his mate.
    Cracking the door open, he saw the vampire lying in the middle of his bed, the blankets pulled all the way over his head.
    Satisfied that his mate hadn’t been burned, he closed the door quietly and found his way into the kitchen. He heated up some leftovers and took a seat when his phone vibrated on the table. Sloane picked it up to see he had a few missed calls. One was from his cousin, Maverick, and two were from Chance.
    As he stabbed at his food, Sloane called his cousin. “You call me?”
    “I just wanted to know if D was over there with you. The Lakelands woke this morning to find him missing.” The alpha’s tone was clipped, as if he hated playing the messenger boy. That would explain Chance’s calls.
    “He’s here.”
    “Change your mind?”
    Sloane winced when he heard the humorous curiosity in Maverick’s tone. He could tell the alpha was going to have fun with this bit of news. Placing his fork on the table, Sloane ran a hand over his head as he leaned back.
    “Sort of.”
    Maverick’s deep chuckle made Sloane’s back teeth grind. “I would say more than sort of if he’s there. And since it’s still daylight, is he in your bed, cousin?”
    “That is none of your damn business!” Sloane shouted and then cursed at his response. His uncharacteristic shout told Maverick everything he didn’t want the man to know.
    “Have you claimed him?”
    Sloane growled as his fingers curled harder around the phone.
    “I’m just fucking with you.” Maverick chuckled and then sobered. “I’m glad you two are trying to work things out. You were getting on my damn nerves brooding around here, snapping at everyone. I thought I was going to have to bury your body under D’s floorboards.”
    That was the closest the man was going to get to saying he was happy for Sloane. He cleared his throat, knowing that he was going to have to tell the alpha about what was going on. “Dudley’s father called.”
    The other end fell silent. With his superior hearing, Sloane could make out a very low rumble. It had to be coming from Maverick because Sloane lived alone, aside from a sleeping vampire in his bed.
    “And what did he say?”
    Sloane glanced up at the ceiling, knowing D was right above him.
    “He said he’s coming to fix D’s screwup. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the man is referring to me.”
    “Did D call him?” Maverick asked with a bite.
    “Yeah, right before I let him crash in my bed. Do I look stupid to you?”
    There was a grunt on the other end.
    “Dudley ran over here to warn me as soon as he spoke to his father.” He didn’t feel as though he had to explain a damn thing to Maverick, but Sloane was saying it more out of astonishment than anything else. Anything could have happened to his mate on his
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