His for Now (His #2)

His for Now (His #2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: His for Now (His #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Octavia Wildwood
    My face flushed as I remembered how the rest of the night at the mansion had played out.  He’d taken me out to the garden and pushed me up against the gazebo, his hands underneath my dress.  I’d gasped as his fingers slid inside me.  He’d taken me right to the edge before backing off and then, with my panties in his pocket, had teased me mercilessly for the remainder of the night until I was dripping wet.
    In a way, that entire party had been twisted, beautiful foreplay.  By the time we’d left I’d been beside myself with desire and one look at Hayden told me he felt the exact same way.  The anticipation that had built only served to heighten the experience.  Our lust consumed us…my lust consumed me.  I wanted – no, I needed Hayden just like I needed oxygen.
    We’d fucked in the limo on the way back to town.  It had been raw and passionate and deeply satisfying on so many levels.  Neither one of us had wanted the night to end.  Neither one of us had wanted to say goodbye…
    I shook my head as though I was trying to shake the memories away.  Then I wrapped the shawl around my shoulders and, with my phone still pressed to my ear, opened the door.  “Where are you?” I asked him, peering into the darkness. 
    “ There’s a black car with tinted windows three houses down,” he replied. 
    That was…weird.  Why would he park all the way down there? 
    With a shrug, I walked down the street.  When I was almost to the black car, I suddenly felt a hand clamp over my mouth.  I was forcefully dragged into an unlit alleyway between two dark houses.  I tried to cry out but I couldn’t…so I bit the hand that was stifling my screams.
    “Fuck!” Hayden hissed as he jerked his hand away, wincing.  Then, before I could run, he grabbed me.  There was nothing violent about it.  It seemed like he was just subduing me so I couldn’t leave, pinning my arms to my sides in a firm, inescapable bear hug.  Though I couldn’t explain why, my intuition told me Hayden hadn’t been lying when he said he wouldn’t hurt me.
    But then it had been wrong before.  It had also told me Hayden was a good man.  Maybe my intuition couldn’t be trusted.
    As much as I tried not to notice, Hayden looked as handsome as ever.  But he looked different, too.  Instead of an expensive designer suit, he wore jeans, sneakers and a black sweatshirt.  He even had a ball cap on.  Seeing him look so…ordinary was strange.  But God, he looked good.  He smelled good, too, familiar and – wait, what the hell was I thinking?  He’d dragged me into an alley!
    I wasn’t afraid of him – not really.  Mostly I was just irate that he’d had the nerve to put his hands on me like that.  I glared at him in the darkness and fantasized about biting his hand again if given the opportunity.  Instead of screaming, I angrily demanded, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?  Let me go!” 
    “Only if you promise not to run,” he whispered.  “Keep your voice down, please.  It may not be safe here.”
    Indignant, I refused to promise him anything.  Instead, I fought him…yet for some inexplicable reason, I didn’t scream.  Maybe deep down a part of me believed his claims.  But rage kept me from examining that peculiarity too closely.  Even though I was pinned against his muscular chest, I struggled against him until he finally let go of me.
    “You sound like a crazy person,” I informed him angrily, my nostrils flaring with rage at the way he’d manhandled me as though he owned me.  “And if you ever lay a finger on me again I’ll kick you right in the nuts!”
    It was supposed to be a threat, but Hayden just chuckled.  “I don’t doubt that,” he said, inspecting his hand in the sliver of light cast by the moon.  “I think you drew blood.  But,” he said, growing serious, “ I’m glad you’re here.  I’ve been worried sick about you.  I need you to come with me.  I’ve made
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