His Betrayal Her Lies
hotel’s third floor guests
now knew that Mr. 310 couldn’t stop chasing whores and Mrs. 310
“damn near made us bankrupt” with her out-of-control spending. He
threatened to divorce her; she threatened to kick his ass. Seconds
later, hotel security was banging on their door.
    It was almost two o’clock in the morning and
Ari was unable to drift back to sleep. “Guess I could double check
my flight schedule,” he mumbled as he stretched and went to sit on
the couch. When he turned on his iPad and entered his password the
desktop appeared, filled with photos of him and Taylor together,
happy and in love. He hoped they were not destined to be the next
Mr. and Mrs. 310.
    It was a no-brainer. He should have told
Taylor the truth when Maci called him up that rainy night and told
him that she was pregnant. But he had been afraid that he would
lose Taylor for being unfaithful. It was one thing to tell her he
cheated, but to tell her he had a baby on the way definitely would
have been pouring salt into the wound.
    As far back as he could remember, Taylor had
always talked about starting a family together. She wanted a little
boy that had his hazel eyes and her reddish brown hair. It sickened
him to not be able to give her his firstborn. That one night of
lust and stupidity might cost him the love of his life. Ari figured
Taylor would never have to know if he played his cards right.
    He took his iPhone out and checked a message
he had chosen to ignore when it came in just before midnight. It
was a text from the mother of his child. “What, you can’t call me?”
was all it said.
    Getting into some kind of argument with her
was the last thing he felt like doing right about now. Thumbs
flying across the touch screen, he punched out
Evi DAMN dently. A tightness in his neck and shoulders
warned him to let it go. He tapped the backspace key repeatedly,
eating up the letters. He typed, “Busy now. Will call later.”
    Sitting in the silent room, Ari dozed off.
His conscience played back frame-by-frame the events that put him
in this predicament.
    * * *
    When his parents died, Ari’s frat buddies
decided to take him on a trip to Miami to clear his mind. They
partied and drank every night. Ari tried to drink away his pain. He
wanted to escape the world. Even though Taylor was there to ease
his cries at night, he was pretty much mad at the fact that she
still had both of her parents.
    One night in South Beach, his friends had
left him at a local bar and retreated to their rooms with women.
Ari was on his eighth beer when a slim, golden-complexioned woman
approached him and asked, “Is this seat taken?”
    Ari looked up at the attractive beauty and
motioned with his hand for her to sit. She beckoned for the
bartender to come take her order. “I’ll have a vodka and cranberry,
and the gentleman will take …” She nodded her head toward
Ari’s drink and asked, “Is that a Corona?”
    Ari lifted the bottle to his lips and downed
several swallows. “No, this is a Bud Light and I’m fine for right
now.” The bartender walked off to take other orders.
    “Hi. My name is Maci Drummer.” She extended
her hand.
    Ari didn’t feel like company. “I’m Ari
Gallagher and I’d appreciate it if you give me some space.”
    Maci withdrew her hand.
    Ari frowned and turned away. He knew this
kind of woman; she wasn’t used to getting turned down by a man. All
night, he had spotted her watching him from across the room,
waiting for his friends to leave so she could talk to him. He
couldn’t be sure but he guessed that his rudeness was not insulting
but actually intriguing to her.
    “Oh, well I can respect you for wanting to
drink alone.” Her musky perfume enticed his nose. “I just thought
maybe you wanted some company.”
    The bartender returned with her drink. She
took a sip and frowned. “Excuse me, bartender, but this is a virgin
beverage. I did request vodka in my drink.”
    He took the drink and poured about a third
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