Highland Sanctuary
taller than three
and a half feet. "What are ye staring at? Haven't ye ever seen a dwarf before?" He pulled out a short sword and held it up.
"Nay, Beacon. Calm yer temper." He laid a large hand on the dwarf's head.
"Afternoon," Gavin said with a nod in greeting. "Evelina sent me to find Tomas. He wasn't at the kirk. Do either of ye know where he might be?"
"What have ye done to the Boyds?" Beacon thrust his sword at Gavin, but he was too far away to touch him.
"Ye're a stranger." Quinn stepped forward, placing his fisted hands on his hips. "How do ye know Tomas?"
Gavin launched into the story of Serena's injury. Afterwards, Quinn shook his head. "We haven't seen Tomas since this morn. But he mentioned he might visit Kyla this day."
"Who is Kyla?" Gavin asked.
"The village seamstress." Quinn scratched his brown head. "He worries 'bout her. She's not been the same since losing her husband and bairn to the fever."
"Fever? How long ago was that?" Gavin wondered if there might be some contagious disease spreading through these people. Mayhap that could explain the madness.
"At least a year ago." Quinn shoved a thumb over his large shoulder. "She's up this way. We can take ye there, if ye want."
"What?" Beacon looked at him, lifting a palm up. "We don't have time for that. We got work to do."
"Beacon, this wagon wheel will be waitin' when we get back. No reason why we canna help out. Ye're gettin' difficult in yer auld age."
"Auld age?" Beacon sheathed his sword at his waist and raised a wee fist at his giant friend. "I'm five years yer junior!"
"Let's go find Tomas." Quinn stepped over Beacon, ignoring him. Each heavy footfall he took pounded the earth.
Gavin had to run, taking two steps to each one of Quinn's. He glanced up at the trees above him. Now he knew why they called this the Village of Outcasts. It suited them. He took a deep breath as he struggled to keep up with the giant. He hoped they would soon find Tomas, but in the meantime, what else would he discover?

Serena woke to whispered voices above her. She recognized her mother's soothing and peaceful tone, but the man now talking escaped her. Who was he? Their muffled words sounded as if they were behind a closed door.
She struggled to lift her heavy eyelids. Serena blinked a few times, allowing her vision to clear in the dim candlelight. Yawning, she stretched. Voices paused. Shadows shifted along the dark walls.
Her mother's concerned face leaned over her. She linked her fingers through Serena's. Faint worry lines edged her eyes. Tension hovered around her lips. She forced a smile as if the effort drained the last of her strength.
"What's wrong?" Serena tried to sit up, but her lack of energy prevented her.
"Nay, rest." Her mother's gentle hands pressed her back.
"Serena, ye've suffered a blow to the head." She now recognized the other voice as Father Tomas. "Ye've slept for several hours. Judging by the swelling on yer head, I'm afraid ye may have a cracked skull. Getting up and moving around could leak too much blood to the brain and make matters worse."
Easing back against the feather pillow her mother had made, Serena nestled into a contented spot and tried to remember. They were returning from the town of Braighwick with supplies and one of her headaches began. Serena blinked, looking from Father Tomas to her mother. "How did it happen? Did I have another fit?"
"Ye did." Mother nodded and gripped her hand. "I'm sorry I didn't catch ye before ye fell. It all happened so fast."
"How could ye've known? I was still trying to figure out if it was only a headache or if I was about to have one of my fits." She turned to Tomas. "How long must I rest?"
"At least until the swelling goes down, lass."
Lying still when she felt fine might prove to be a hard challenge. Serena hated idleness. It allowed one too much time to dwell on things.
"Aye, Serena,
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