Highland Sanctuary
and hurried toward him. Her soft brown eyes gaped up at him in curiosity. She couldn't have been more than ten and six. When she leaned forward with her hands clasped in front of her, long brown hair fell over her shoulder, down to her waist. She blinked, her eyelashes curling.
Gavin glanced over at the cobbler, who was still oblivious that anyone had entered his shop.
"Da is deaf ." The lass followed his gaze. "That's why I attached the bells to the door, so I'd be able to hear while I tend to other chores. I'm Lavena, so do ye need some shoes made?"
"Nay, I'm looking for Tomas. Have ye seen him?"
"How do ye know Tomas?" She tilted her head. "Ye're new to the village."
"True. I don't know him. We ran into Serena and Evelina on our way to Braigh Castle. Serena was hurt and Evelina sent me to find Tomas."
"I hope she'll be all right." Concern flickered in her eyes as she blinked and shook her head. "I've not seen 'im, but let me see if either of my sisters have." She turned. "Rosheen! Birkita!" Gavin's ears rang, unprepared for the way she bellowed their names, quite a booming voice for such a young female of her small stature.
Another lass appeared through the curtain carrying a worn book with her finger pressed in the center of it. Her hair was a shade darker than her sister's. She smoothed her free hand across her gray wrinkled skirt and straightened to her full height, which was quite tall. "Birkita, this man is looking for Tomas. Did ye see him on yer walk earlier?"
"Nay." Birkita shook her head.
A third lass popped through the curtain and shoved her plump hips between her two sisters to make room for her grand entrance. A displeasing frown marred her forehead, as her dark eyes shifted to Gavin. "I heard, and nay, I've not seen 'im." She was shorter than the other two, and while she was heavier, Gavin could tell by her smooth, round skin that she was the youngest. Her dress pulled against the extra flesh folding around her neck and arms. "Why do ye want Tomas? Who are ye?"
"Rosheen, mind yer manners." Lavena scolded. "She doesn't trust strangers verra easily. Please forgive her rudeness. Ye must give Tomas my best when ye find him."
"Of course." Gavin said, backing up. He couldn't escape this odd place soon enough. He bumped into a solid figure who grabbed his shoulder.
"Ah! We've a customer, do we?" A man shouted in his ear. "My name's Girard, and I'll be glad to assist ye with a fine pair o' shoes this day."
Gavin resisted the temptation to poke his fingers in his ears. His sister had a brother-in-law who couldn't hear, but he didn't go around shouting like this man. He looked at Lavena for assistance. As if sensing his discomfort, she went to her father and removed his hand from Gavin's shoulder and shook her head.
"Oh, he's not 'ere for business?" Disappointment wrinkled his frowning expression. "Then why is he 'ere?"
Gavin closed his eyes. The cobbler's voice echoed through his head.
"Thanks for yer assistance." Gavin took advantage of the moment and made his escape. Outside, he breathed deeply and rubbed his sore ears. The refreshing pine scent gave him renewed energy. Determined to keep his word, he hurried to the next dwelling.
"Hold it up higher, Quinn. How ye expect me to get the wheel on if ye don't?" A whiny male voice complained.
A huge man who must have been close to eight feet tall held up a wagon, but as soon as he noticed Gavin, he lowered it. "We've company, Beacon." His deep voice sounded as menacing as he looked.
Gavin gulped. As a warrior who had been in his share of battles, he rarely quaked at the brawn of other men, but this man was a giant. He forced a friendly smile, knowing it was too late to turn around and retreat. Besides, cowardice wasn't in his blood.
"What do ye mean?" The other one stepped out from behind the cover of the wagon, rolling a wheel taller than himself. Gavin blinked at the wee man, standing no
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