Highland Moonlight

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Book: Highland Moonlight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Teresa J Reasor
doubt.” She patted his sleek neck. “Let us be on
    our way and we will soon stop for the night.”
    Traveling the road was dangerous. Cutting across country strange to
    her could prove more so. Mary decided to stay on the rocky stretch of road
    for a while and swung herself gingerly into the saddle.
    Several times she thought she heard the beat of horse’s hooves
    behind her and sought cover to wait for them to appear. After the third delay,
    she decided her fears were playing her for a fool. Lest she saw the
    brigands on her tail, she would not stop again.
    It had grown dark before she came upon the widening slopes of the
    valley that opened to Loch Awe. In the dusky light, the hills appeared to rise
    to mountainous proportion in the east. The purplish black expanse of the
    loch stretched before her. The rising moon reflected on the breeze-rippled
    surface of the dark water, like the myriad dance of fireflies.
    The valley narrowed and the mountains to the east hugged the banks
    of Loch Awe like some mythical beast come to drink from its waters. She
    found shelter in the glen beneath a small canopy of trees nestled at the
    base of a steep hillside.
    She lit a small fire to hold the animals at bay then turned to see to the
    horse. It took all her strength to drag the heavy saddle from his back and
    place it close to the fire to use as a backrest.
    “‘Tis sorry I am that I have no oats for you, for you have toiled hard for
    me this day.” She spoke to the horse as she wiped him down with the tartan
    pad beneath the saddle. The animal nickered in reply, bringing a smile to
    her lips. Suddenly, tears burnt her eyes and she rested against the warmth
    of the animal to draw fresh strength from its closeness. Since discovering
    she was with child, she seemed to swing between tears and laughter with
    irrational regularity.
    “If ‘twas that men showed half so much affection or care for their
    women folk as they do their horses, I would not mind so much being bound
    to one.” She stroked his nose then turned to guide him forward to the edge
    of the water to drink. “You are used, but you are valued. Not so we lasses.
    We are just possessions to be used, without a word of kindness or
    affection. ‘Tis that I can not abide. ‘Tis better to be alone for all eternity than
    to live in such a way.”
    She sat on a flat stone next to him and dipped the cuff of her sleeve in
    the water to bath her face. “Men have fought these many years against a
    tyranny they can not abide. Then they turn their own tyranny against those
    weaker than themselves. Do you not believe that those who bear their
    young and ease their hurts deserve better?”
    The animal tossed his head, as though in agreement, and she smiled
    again. A memory of tender, sweet kisses and heated caresses made her
    smile falter and her anger with it. A hollow ache that had little to do with
    hunger throbbed beneath her breastbone. It had meant nothing to him. For
    a moment the loss was almost more than she could bear.
    Swallowing against the tears, she straightened her shoulders. She
    would one day learn to dismiss it as nothing as well. Wiping her face with
    her shirtsleeve one last time, she grasped the reins and led the horse back
    to the fire. She hobbled his front hooves so he would not stray while he
    grazed on the lush grass growing close to the water.
    The meat, she had been unable to eat earlier, and another small
    chunk of bread barely stayed her hunger. If she did not reach Castle Lorne
    by midday tomorrow, she would have to take the time to hunt. Exhaustion
    weighted her movements as she curled close to the fire. Using the bowed
    seat of the saddle as a pillow, she fell asleep in moments.

Alexander motioned for Duncan and the rest of his men to circle the
    camp. Their movements stealthy, they each found a place well covered by
    brush to stand watch.
    If Mary wished to travel to Castle Lorne on her own, Alexander saw no
    purpose in interfering with her,
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