Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hide and Seek Read Online Free PDF
Author: P.S. Brown
No one was in the house and it looked like it had been abandoned mid-party. No one seemed to be contactable by phone. The only clue that had been left was a note signed by Colin, but according to The Sheriff wasn’t written by Colin. And the note had a mobile number for a phone that had been left in the house and apparently didn’t belong to Colin either. Who did the phone belong to? It was a relatively old Nokia.
    Peter jumped as the phone rumbled in his hand, the display lit up and the William Tell tone started playing. The caller ID flashed up with the message ‘Peter Stevenson calling.’

    Peter stared in disbelief at the ringing phone for a few seconds and then answere d it with an uncertain ‘Hello?’
    There was silence at the other end of the line for a further few seconds and then a meta llic electronic voice rang out.
    ‘Hello Peter. How ’s your head this morning?’
    Peter felt a little perturbed by the distorted voice but immediately assumed that it was Steve playing another practical joke. He decided he would go along with it although he was really not in the mood for more games and the fact that he had to catch his train in an hour w as playing heavily on his mind.
    ‘My head’s a little hazy. We must have drunk a lot Steve. I feel like I was drugged. I can hardly remember anyt hing about last night. What...’
    The dis embodied voice interrupted him.
    ‘You were drugged. The hazy head and eye stinging is an after effect.’
    A creeping suspicion that the person on the phone was not Steve entered his mind.
    ‘W hat do you mean I was drugged?’
    ‘I had to get you out of the way for a few h ours whilst I set up the game.’
    Peter felt himself becoming angry, if this was another of Steve’s jokes he was seriously not in the mood.
    ‘What game? What are you on a bout? Who is this?’
    ‘You can call me Celo.’
    Peter searched his mind for some relevance to the name but drew a blank. As if reading his mind Celo elaborated.
    ‘It ’s Latin, meaning to hide, conceal, keep secret.’
    Peter responded half-heartedly and a little sarcastically, he w as quickly boring of this game.
    ‘Okay, that’s nice.’
    ‘I thought that seeing as though all seven surviving members of the Excellent Eight are in town, that we should all play a game just like we used to.’
    Peter could feel his agitati on levels creeping up again.
    ‘I haven’t got time for this shit. I have to catch a train in an hour. I’m n ot playing any games with you.’
    The electronic voice snapped back furiously, ‘You will play the game or all your friends will die.’
    The sudden outburst stunned Peter into silence. Then Celo lowered his tone, regained composure and spoke again calmly.
    ‘Listen carefully. We are going to play a game of Hide and Seek. Do you remember we all used to love playing that ?’
    Peter didn’t respond.
    ‘Well, the other six members of the Excellent Eight are hidden in separate places within the town and you, Peter Stevenson, are the seeker. They are hidden in places where we played as children and I’ll give you a clue to find each one of them. But you only have a certain amount of time to find them. If you take too long to find any individual person then I’m afraid that member will die.’
    Peter’s head was awash with scrabbled thoughts, unable to fully comprehend what was being said to him. He was still half hoping that this was some form of elaborate hoax. Again, as if reading his mind, Celo went on.
    ‘I realise that this is a lot to take in. And that you might be half hoping this is still just one of Steve’s pranks. So I ’d like you to check the oven in the kitchen. That should put to rest any doubts you have about the seriousness of the game. I’ll call you back in a few minutes with further instructions.’
    The phone went silent as Celo hung up , leaving Peter standing on the spot with the phone pressed against his ear, knuckles
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