Hex And Kisses

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.
    Published By
    Latin Goddess Press
    New York, NY 10456
    Hex and Kisses
    Copyright © 2014 by Milly Taiden
    Cover by Mina Carter
    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
    Property of Milly Taiden November 2014 

    Chapter One
    Liani should have known better than to give her heart to a shifter. She knew that. It’s one of the things her mother loved to tell her and her sisters. Shifters are wild animals. Don’t play with wild animals. But had Liani listened? Oh, hell no. Not when said wild animal came with the body of a porn star and the cock to match. She’d allowed her lack of sex and a night of drinking at the local bar convince her she was wonder woman. That nothing she did was wrong. She snorted and slapped her forehead. Idiot.
    Staring at her book of spells when she had no idea how to get over the one night with the furry wolf wasn’t going to help her.  All she kept thinking about was how he’d played her body like a musical instrument. All that growling. The passiveness and frickin’ hell, the way he licked her from head to toe wasn’t something she’d soon forget.
    She flicked through her book of spells, unsure what to do. She should be working on the perfect kiss spell. Of course the perfect kiss spell was what got her in trouble to begin with.
    Her door chimed and she sighed. She left the book on its stand in the middle of the living room to answer the door.
    Her cousin stood on the other side. “Hey, Mercy. What’s up? Was I making too much noise?”
    She didn’t think she had been, but sometimes when working on spells, she tended to forget and get boisterous. She also did that when getting her freak on, but that was another story.
    Mercedes, or Mercy as everyone called her, shook her head and walked in with a covered plate in her hand. “No, you were quiet as a mouse. I just came to drop off some cupcakes.”
    “You love me, you really love me.” She grinned, uncovering the plate and taking a bite of a chocolate frosted cupcake.
    Mercy grinned. “It’s not so much that I love you, which I do, but for the past week you’ve been so down it has been making me get in the baking mood.”
    Mercy, a witch by birth like Liani and her sisters, was an emotional vacuum. She’d channel the emotions into things like cleaning or cooking. And on the occasions she got lucky, she’d channel it all into super hot sex.
    “I’m not going to stay long, I only came to drop those off in hopes they’d make you feel better.”
    Liani glanced at the second cupcake in her hand. “Where are you going?”
    Mercy winked. “I have to go kiss some frogs.”
    Mercy picked up one of her own cupcakes and licked off the frosting. “It’s a long story. Let’s just say they’re not really frogs.”
    “Alrighty then. I was starting to wonder about you.” Liani sat down on her couch and curled her feet under her. Nothing seemed to help get her out of the funk.
    “Why don’t you go back? Find the shifter and tell him that he messed you up for life,” Mercy suggested. “It’s not like you didn’t already break the rules.”
    True. She had not only slept with the shifter, she’d allowed him to bite her. Something that was a big no-no for witches of her standing. Shifters were wild and uncontrollable.
    Mercy headed back to the front door. Once she got there, she stopped, turned and gave
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