Her Little White Lie (BWWM Romance)
know he does. I mean, I'll return the suit, no problem, but the ring really is a present to you.”
    “But we're not allowed to accept presents from guests. It's a strict rule. I could lose my job.”
    “Who's gonna know? Besides it's your engagement ring and when you and I break off our engagement, I'm going to be good enough to let you keep it.”
    “You are such a generous boyfriend. No wonder I agreed to marry you.” I looked at Mikey and smiled and for a second, just a second, there was a strange current that passed between us and made us serious for a while. I don't know about Mikey but what flashed through my head was spending a Christmas with him in our own apartment and drinking champagne by an open fire with a huge pine tree in the background.
    “We should go,” Mikey said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, the way he always did when we were walking together – a real, 'one of the boys' hug that I wished could be a little more than that. At least for that night anyway.

    The next day on my early shift, I was sharing reception duty with Dora who said she wouldn't mind covering the desk while I slipped away for a few minutes. I had a large bag with Mikey's suit in it and the ring, wrapped in the red silk handkerchief, in the inside pocket. I made my way up to the fourth floor and to Mr. Iglesias's suite.
    I tapped gently, looking from right to left to make sure I would not be spotted by any members of staff. Cleaning staff and maids were one thing but to be seen by management meant a whole lot of explaining and I didn't know what I would do if I actually got caught.
    “Come in.” His voice was gentle. I opened the door and entered the suite giving one last look over my shoulder, just to be sure.
    Mr. Iglesias was wearing a navy blue dressing gown with a gold cord tied at the waist. His pajamas were gold and silky and looked very expensive. In fact everything about Mr... Iglesias said class, even down to the neat leather slippers on his feet.
    He sat at the table drinking coffee. He had finished the rest of his breakfast, I made sure I timed my visit because I didn't want to disturb him.
    “Good morning, Grace! How was the party?”
    “Oh, it was just fine and I have you to thank for helping me pull it off.”
    I walked over to his table and he gestured for me to take a seat opposite. The New York streets were already busy down below and views of the skyline, tall and imposing in shades of gray, were looming large outside Mr. Iglesias's window. I sat down and gingerly stretched out my hand, which held the items I needed to return.
    “Mr. Iglesias that was such a generous gesture you made. Mikey's suit must have cost a fortune so here it is neatly folded. And as for the ring, well, it was so beautiful. Thank you for adding such a special touch to my night. It's wrapped in the silk handkerchief in the inside pocket. I'm sure you still have the receipts.”
    “The receipts?”
    “Yes, so you can return everything.”
    “But my Princesa , why would I want to do that?”
    “Because you were only helping me out, just for the party, right? I can't keep these.”
    “But they were presents. The suit for your fiancé and the ring for you. Christmas presents, from me to you.”
    “Mr. Iglesias, no. We can't accept this. It's too much. That ring, I mean, that ring is a real diamond. How could I possibly...”
    “Grace. You insult me deeply.” He put down his cup and held a hand to his chest. I felt like a traitor and I wished to God I'd never started this lie.
    “I don't wish to insult you,” I said. “I mean, apart from anything else, I'm not even allowed to accept presents from the guests.”
    “Yes you have told me several times and each time I feel it is a big lastima .”
    “Not a shame, Mr. Iglesias, those are the rules.” I held out the bag again and he just looked at it.
    “Grace, I thought
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