Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dakota Dawn
Tags: Romance
the stairs. Her feet felt like they were weighted down. Why was her door ajar? No fucking way! She rushed inside and looked wildly around for the burglar. Her stuff was scattered all over the place. Pausing, she listened. Not a sound. Stepping outside, she called the police. The jerk was probably gone, but she’d have the cops check it out. In the meantime, she’d wait by the door in case the person was still in there and tried to run out. As mad as she was, the burglar wouldn’t get far. A good ass-kicking was due someone. Thank goodness her papa had taught her to defend herself.
    By the time the cops showed up she no longer thought anyone was inside. She waved them up, but she kept her eye on the door.
    “Are you the person who called?” the first officer up the stairs asked.
    “Yes, sir. I came home and found my door ajar. I stepped in and saw the mess then stepped out and called the police.” She was surprised to hear how tired her voice sounded.
    “Have you heard any movement inside the room?” the second officer asked.
    “No.” Where the hell am I going to sleep tonight? Who the hell would want her stuff badly enough to break into her room? Her mind was quickly bouncing from one thought to the next.
    “Go down to the front desk and wait for us there. Once we clear the crime scene we’ll come down and get you.” That said, both men went into her hotel room to do their job.
    Good ole Timmy was asleep at the front desk when she entered. “Timmy.”
    He grumbled something then started snoring.
    She rolled her eyes. “Timmy, wake up.”
    This time he woke up and looked around quickly. He relaxed visibly when he saw it was her. “Did you lose your key?”
    “No. My room was broken into. The cops are here now. They are checking the place out.”
    His eyes rounded comically, and he looked wildly around and then out the front window before looking back at her. “No shit?”
    She shook her head. “I’m afraid not. I’ll need a different room. My lock was broken.”
    “Sure, sure. Let me see what we have. Is he still here? Did you see the guy?” He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and smoothed his slumber-rumpled hair.
    “No. I think he’s long gone.” At least she hoped he was.
    As he scanned his guest book, Timmy said, “I hate to hear that happened to you. We haven’t had a burglary in five years. Hope this isn’t the beginning of a crime spree.” He wrote her name down by another room and turned to retrieve the key. Facing her again, he handed her the key. “This room is on the other side, but it’s the best we have left.”
    “Thanks, Timmy. I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’ll be moving as soon as I can find an apartment anyway.” Just as she finished speaking, the officers entered the room.
    Officer Cramer, according to his name tag, approached her. “All is clear. The perpetrator is gone. Can you come up with me and see if anything was taken?”
    “Yes.” She followed him into the room and looked around. She didn’t notice anything missing. Though all her small stuff was tossed around as if monkeys had been playing with it, her computer was untouched on the table. The cherished doll her mom had given her was turned to face the wall, and the two bears that sat on either side of it were tossed to the floor. That was strange. A peek into the bathroom proved the same thing. All her dirty clothes and towels had been tossed around, but her makeup and jewelry was left orderly on the counter.
    As she spotted the strange things, she pointed them out to the officer.
    “Anything missing?” he asked after they had gone over the whole area.
    “Not that I can tell, but why would a person come in here and do this?” she asked as she reached out and touched a perfume bottle on the counter.
    The officer shrugged. “Who knows? Do you have any enemies?”
    “Not really. A guy was mad at me the other night at the pub I work for, but that’s about it.”
    “What is the man’s name?”
    “Scott. I
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