Her Devoted Vampire

Her Devoted Vampire Read Online Free PDF

Book: Her Devoted Vampire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Siobhan Muir
anywhere. They
weren’t even bloodshot.
    “You’re Fredrick MacGregor.”
    “That’s right.” A smile flitted
over his lips.
    “And you smell like spiced apples
and vanilla.”
    His black eyebrows disappeared
into his hairline, one tendril falling across an eye. It looked soft and smooth,
and she wanted to push it behind his ear for him. His smug look banished any
tender feelings that might have developed.
    “You were stabbed in the side,
and I brought you to my home here in
to take care of you.”
    Stabbed? She’d been stabbed ? Gasping, she wrenched the emerald
bedclothes away from her body and scanned the skin of her belly. The bruised
pain she felt directed her eyes to her left side, but there was nothing there,
not even discoloration. If she’d been stabbed, where was the scar, the scab?
    Is he just teasing me? What kind of a jerk does that? Then the rest of his words sank in.
    “Yes. It was the safest place I
could think to take you.”
    Bridget narrowed her eyes as she
raised her gaze to meet his again, her hands still holding the bedclothes up.
    Safe for whom, you chocolate-eyed kidnapper?
you take injured people, like those with stab wounds, to the hospital. Or at
least call the paramedics.” What was she doing in
in a richly decorated bedroom? Was
it his bedroom?
    There are worse places to be , a traitorous voice remarked.
was no time, and I knew I could care for you as well or better than any
hospital,” Fredrick replied to her unasked questions.
    Riiiiggghhhtt, that’s what all the sociopaths say to
their victims.
    “I have to go.” She tried to sit
up again. She’d make it home come hell or high water. Goosebumps zinged along
her leg when it appeared out of the covers.
    “Whoa!” She
jerked her legs back under the emerald sheets and stared incredulously at the
man sitting next to her bed. “Where are my clothes?” And that sexy dress?
    “I haven’t had time to get any from
your apartment.” His eyes never dropped from hers. “I’ll send someone
    She raised her eyebrows. “Presently?
Who uses words like ‘presently’? And how do you know where I live?” She groaned,
frowning. “You looked in my wallet from my coat.”
    “That seemed to be the most
logical place to look for your name and home address.”
    “That’s just great. A perfect
ending to a perfect day.” She sighed, slumping back in the bed. “Stabbed,
kidnapped, and naked in a stranger’s bed. It just doesn’t get much worse.”
    “Except, perhaps, being kidnapped
by a vampire with a house full of werewolves,” he suggested, a half-smile
curling his kissable lips.
    She snorted. “Thank God there’s
no such thing as vampires or werewolves.”
    He stilled as if the life within
him bled away, leaving nothing but a quiet, waxen shell, and his face lost the
humor in it. Unease crept through her as she stared hard at him, clutching the
covers so tightly her knuckles turned white. The scent of spiced apples shifted
to a dirt smell, like moist earth or the desert after the rain, and her stomach
cramped with visceral fear.
    “Thank you.” She cleared her
throat. “Thank you for whatever you did. I think I remember being stabbed. It
hurt like hell. How bad was the damage, and how long have I been here?”
    Life seeped back into him as he
cocked his head to one side, his eyes narrowed in consideration. “You have only
been here a few hours. We didn’t do anything but look at your wound. You healed
all by yourself.”
    “Yeah, I know I’m healing. I just
want to know what you did to close the wound and how many stitches I needed.”
    “I told you. We didn’t do anything.
Your body healed on its own.”
    “What are you talking about? What
do you mean, ‘healed’?” She lifted the bed sheets away from her body again to
get a better look at her left side. The skin appeared a little pink at her
waist, but nothing suggesting a stab wound.
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