Hell's Revenge
happened?” he asked his voice softening.
    “A couple of demons attacked me.” Understatements were a specialty of mine.
    “You killed all of them by yourself?” His note of incredulity miffed me a bit. He should have known by now how capable I was of taking care of myself.
    “Why? Are you saying I couldn’t?” I went on the offensive—surely it wasn’t guilt making me snarky?
    “Muri, you’re unarmed and dressed in flip flops. I doubt even superwoman could have taken on all these demons by herself and prevailed.” He did have a point. “I used magic on the first bunch and then a vampire came to my aid and kicked the rest of their asses,” I admitted begrudgingly.
    “A vampire? Where is he? Did he touch you? Take blood?” I shook my head wildly as he fired questions at me and I rolled my eyes as he made me tilt my chin to check my neck for marks. His brow knitted. “Their kind don’t act without reason. What did he want if he didn’t take blood?”
    He wanted to know what I was and then kissed me. However, that wasn’t what I said aloud. “He didn’t say. He just kicked some demon ass and then disappeared.” Guilt squeezed me as I lied to my lover. But seriously, I was more afraid of telling him what happened and seeing his disappointment in me. In retrospect, I realized the whole kiss thing was my fault. I should have fought my magical urge and never let the vampire near me.
    “Let’s go home,” Auric said tightening his arms around me as David, still in kitty form, and unable to change back unless he wanted to show off his naked parts, butted up against me.
    I pushed back from Auric. “No. I haven’t finished what I came to do.” I expected him to argue with me and order me back home like a bad little girl, but instead he gave a curt nod. When I would have resumed walking towards the tower that was my destination, he swept me up and I cuddled gratefully into his arms. I also enjoyed myself nibbling the underside of his jaw. It wasn’t a seven course sexual feast, but it fed me a little energy which my magically dehydrated body sucked in.
    We approached the spooky looking tower, the home of prune face, my dad’s most powerful mage. I’d finally discovered her name on my dad’s last visit, Nefertiti. It sounded familiar so I’d Googled it and found thousands of hits relating to an ancient Egyptian queen which made her really freaking old. Yet even given her age, and ancient pussy, the woman boasted of sexual escapades that would make even my succubus sister, Bambi, blush.
    A part of me wondered if Nefertiti had always been a sexual deviant or if the magic that demanded feeding had turned her into one. I feared finding out the answer. Will my nympho magic force me to bring more lovers into my circle and even worse, tempt me into trying things better left in erotic books?
    Arriving at the cobbled walk to the tower, Auric let me down to stand on my own two feet and flanked by my men, one still a giant jungle kitty, we approached the sinister looking abode. We’d no sooner gone up the steps to the massive door banded in iron than it swung open and a man, think curly haired, blonde Grecian hunk in a loin cloth, waved us in.
    “My Mistress awaits you,” the butler with the impressive abs announced turning to lead the way into the tower. Auric growled as did David, still in panther form, when the butler’s pivot revealed that the loin cloth, while covering the front, left the rear bare except for the thong disappearing between a pair of perfectly sculpted cheeks.
    “Think she’d give me a pair of those outfits to take home?” I teased.
    “You will avert your eyes,” Auric grumbled, his body stiff next to mine.
    I made a moue of surprise. Auric? Jealous? Awesome. And strange. Here was a man who’d just about forced me into bringing a second man into our relationship to give me the magic I needed. Hell, I knew he got off on watching me suck and fuck David and yet he didn’t want me looking
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