Hell's Revenge
eyes, now a dark blue of a storm tossed sea, peered down into mine. I stared right back and thus got an up close glimpse when his orbs dilated to pure black. Probably not a good sign and had I mentioned he looked hungry? He inhaled deep and I wanted to wince wondering how I smelled considering everything that had happened since my last shower.
    “What are you?” he asked in a thick voice while still staring at me with those freaky, iris-less eyes.
    His ignorance surprised me. I’d assumed he’d come to my aid because of who I was.
    So I lied— look at me following in the family’s dishonest footsteps . “Me? Oh, I’m a mix of this and that,” I replied, hedging. I’d learned in the past that relaying my parentage never ended up a good idea. The whole kill-the-daughter-of-Satan could really put a damper on things.
    “Whatever you are, you smell delicious ,” he murmured before his lips found mine.
    Now, the proper thing to do, considering my involvement in a committed relationship with two men, would have been to push him away and then kick his ass for taking liberties with me.
    But I had nothing left to fight with and my damned nympho magic appeared in no mood to pay attention to my morals. Oh no, instead my sex based magic clamped my lips tight to his and like a cool breeze, his sexual energy flowed into me. I am ashamed to admit, I shivered in delight. Where David projected animalistic heat and Auric bathed me in pure light, this man reminded me of cold darkness and he fed a part of my magic I hadn’t known existed, until now.
    As a trickle of strength returned to me, so did my sanity and I broke the embrace.
    Stepping back, my hand swung automatically and struck him across the cheek. Annoyed, mostly at myself—although, he shared the blame being so tempting and all when I was vulnerable—I hit him hard and his face snapped to the side with the force of my blow.
    However, where another man would have taken offense at having a woman hit him, the vampire just laughed.

    “Mysterious. Powerful. And playing hard to get. I must say, you’re intriguing me more and more.”
    It took a lot of willpower to resist the sexy drawl of his words. “Yeah, well, take your intrigue elsewhere. This woman is taken times two.” And feeling kind of guilty that I’d enjoyed his embrace so much, and even worse, craved a continuation.
    My declaration of my ménage situation caught him by surprise and his eyebrows raised. Once again, though, instead of backing off, he grinned, showing his gleaming pair of fangs. “Well then, I look forward to becoming your third. Until we meet again.” He swirled and a dark mist arose. When it cleared, the vampire, whose name I’d never gotten, had disappeared leaving me with tingling lips, soaking panties and a flabbergasted look.
    The pounding of feet had me whirling to face the new threat approaching, but to my relief and red-cheeked embarrassment, Auric was the one running towards me, a big blond panther at his side.
    “Muriel!” he bellowed, his face creasing in concern as he took in the prone bodies lying all about me.
    He reached me and I threw myself in the arms he opened wide. I buried myself in the protective comfort of his chest. Even kick ass princesses liked to feel safe. Besides, I needed time to regain my equilibrium.
    Auric, however, didn’t give me time to recover. I found myself being shaken. “Of all the stupid things,” he began ranting. “How many times do you have to be told not to go off on your own? How am I supposed to protect you if you take off on me? You could have been killed.” His voice almost broke and guilt filled me for a different reason. He was right. Once again, I’d gone with my first wild impulse instead of thinking and, even worse, trusting him.
    “I’m sorry,” I muttered through tears. I never wanted to hurt Auric. I loved him so much it hurt at times. I just had to remember when he pulled his macho act it was because he loved me.
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