Heights of the Depths

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Book: Heights of the Depths Read Online Free PDF
Author: Peter David
always optimal.”
    “I don’t understand—”
    Grunting, Eutok said, “Actually I suppose that ‘glide’ is the more accurate term. They have great flaps of skin between their arms and legs. If a sufficient wind arises, they are able to take to the air and glide distances. How far I could not say. I saw them take off and they were still airborne when they went beyond my sight line.”
    Karsen sank into a crouch, amazement on his face. However much he thought he understood the rules and parameters of the world in which he lived, there always seemed to be something new thrown at him. Draquons could fly? Who knew?
    And more importantly: Now what?
    He looked toward Eutok, sudden hope on his face. “You saw which way they went?”
    “I told you, they went beyond my sight line.”
    “Yes, but you know what direction that was.”
    Eutok managed a nod, even though he grimaced as he did so.
    “Which way did they go?”
    “And what possible…?” He stopped, braced himself, and then continued, “…what possible reason is there for me to share that information?”
    “All right, fine!” said Karsen in exasperation. He hopped off the rocks and landed next to Eutok. Yanking his bag off his shoulder, he began rummaging through the contents. “Just lie still.”
    “Ah. And here I thought you were going to require that I get to my feet and dance for your entertainment.”
    Karsen didn’t even glance at him. “You are aiding no one, least of all yourself, wasting breath talking to me. If you have something of use to say, by all means, speak out. But if all you desire to do is enjoy the sound of your own voice, then indulge yourself at the risk of your own health. Or, more accurately, what little of your health remains.”
    Eutok’s mouth opened but then snapped shut. He glowered at Karsen, who neither noticed nor cared.
    Karsen set about pulling out what he hoped was the right combination of leaves and berries to attend to Eutok’s wounds. He pounded the selected leaves into a paste and the berries into a juice. As Eutok lay there, regarding him with hate-filled suspicion and obvious frustration over his helplessness, Karsen spread the paste on Eutok’s more prominent wounds. Air hissed between the Trull’s teeth. “You bastard…”
    “The burning sensation is how you know it is working.”
    “Then it must be working beyond your wildest dreams. Gods damn it!”
    “It will only last for a few minutes.”
    “You had best hope so, or—”
    “Or what? You’ll breathe heavily on me and fling drops of sweat at me?”
    Eutok didn’t respond save to glower once more. As the minutes passed, though, his breathing regularized as the healing properties of Karsen’s ointments began to take their affect.
    Karsen, in the meantime, finished preparing the juice, adding a few more ingredients. He wasn’t thrilled about being in such proximity to the Trull. He’d applied the paste with a brush so as to keep some distance, but Eutok was still too weak to lift his hands. Karsen crouched next to him, his nose wrinkling from the Trull’s pronounced body odor, and brought the juice to Eutok’s lips. “You aren’t going to be happy with the taste, I’m warning you right now.”
    “I am a Trull. As a rule, we don’t do particularly well with the concept of ‘happiness’ even on our best days, which are never much in abundance.”
    “I’ll remember that.”
    “How do I know you’re not trying to poison me?”
    “You don’t. Now shut up and drink.” Before Eutok could say anything else, Karsen shoved the juice, which was in a small wooden cup, between Eutok’s thick lips. He poured it down Eutok’s throat, and the Trull coughed violently several times but still managed to keep it all down.
    “You were not understating it, Laocoon, I’ll give you that much.” He gasped a few times and then said, “Water.”
    Karsen stared at him and then said drily, “You could at least make the most minimal effort to be
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