Heavy Duty Trouble (The Brethren Trilogy)

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Book: Heavy Duty Trouble (The Brethren Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Iain Parke
important to understanding the case as in many ways t hey provide a running commentary on the circumstances and even ts leading up to the matters be ing tried here today.
    You will therefore hear and see further extracts as we proceed with this trial. In reading them, the Crown will take you through the build up to the crimes that were committed and they therefore provide a narrative which will help to show you who did what , and when .
    But they are also cr itical in helping you to understand the why.
    Through these notebooks, which in truth are more than just notebooks, they are a diary, a record of what Mr Parke saw and heard during those critical weeks last year ; through these diaries the Crown believes that you will come to understand what motivated the men before you in the dock to do what they did.

BBC evening n ews
    Monday 6th June 2011
    And now we turn to the trial at Newcastle Crown Court of the five men accused in the biker club murder case. Our legal affairs correspondent, Eamon Reynolds, reported earlier this evening from outside the Court.
    This was the first day of proceedings in what is expected to be a dramatic tr i al and Mr Simon Kirtley QC opened the Prosecution case for the Crown by read ing out extracts from a diary kept by Mr I ain P arke. You will remember that Mr Parke is someone who became involved with the infamous motorcycle club , The Brethren , while working as a crime reporter for The Guardian around two years ago , but who then disappeared in mysterious circumstances and was being actively sought by the police in connection with the sus pected murder of Inspector Robert Cameron .
    From the evidence presented in Court today , Mr Parke appears to have been in hiding in Ireland . However, following the riot at Heathrow airport in February of last year , at which you will remember senior members of the club were arrested in connection with the four murders, he had be en found and contacted by members of the club . According to his diary he was being blackmailed in to return ing to the mainland under a false identity to act as some kind of go-between in negotiations between senior members heading up different factions within the club.
    Th ese diaries are expected to form the foundation of the Prosecution case and will be used to explain the development of the feud that seems to have led up to the murders.
    To demonstrate the reliability of the diaries the Prosecution produced ticket a nd airport CCTV evidence showing Mr Parke, travelling under the alias of Mr Adams referred to in the diaries , flew from Belfast to London Gatwick airport on Sunday February 14 th last year , precisely as reported in the extracts read out in Court.
    Mr Kirtley explained that it was important that the jury understood the culture and context involved within the club . He described it as akin to an almost tribal, warrior, absolute code; one of club honour, hospitality to friends, and implacable revenge upon the club’s enemies for any perceived offence or slight.
    The prisoners are being held on remand at Frankland jail in County Durham . Now this is a modern prison, it was only opened in 1980 , typically holding around 850 prisoners each in single cells. But don’t let that mislead you, Frankland is no soft option and i t ’ s actually an indication of how seriously the authorities are taking this tr i al .
    N o rmally men on remand would be h el d in a category B jail. Frankland on the other hand is a category A facility , normally used for high risk offenders including many serving life sentences . In fact it has a specialist Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder unit for dealing with particularly difficult cases. It is therefore only used to hold people on remand who are being tried on very serious offences and who the authorities are treat ing in the same way as Category A prisoners.
    The trial continues tomorrow.
    Eamon Reynolds, reporting for BBC News, from outside Newcastle Crown Court.
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