Heavy Duty Trouble (The Brethren Trilogy)

Heavy Duty Trouble (The Brethren Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Heavy Duty Trouble (The Brethren Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Iain Parke
his end up. I got that.
    Frankly, after the crap talking to a striker had gotten me into last time, he was on his own. What the hell. If he’d chosen to get involved with this mob, it was his look out, not mine.
    ‘So what am I supposed to use to pay for t his trip of yours ?’ I asked turning back to Bung .
    ‘You shouldn’t need much cos you’ll be with me .’
    ‘And you’re picking up the tab are you?’
    ‘Not me mate, the club. Anyway, you can u se what’s in there,’ he said, pushing across the envelop e he’d put on the table, ‘ I t’s part of the deal.’
    I opened it.
    It was a complete package, a new identity. A new life almost . if I wanted it, but one supplied by, and therefore completely in the hands of, the club; so probably not.
    There w as a passport and a driver’s licen c e , in the name of Michael Adams but each with my photo inside and a passable imitation of how I would write the name as a signature.
    I was impressed. ‘A bit of work’s gone into these hasn’t it?’
    ‘Money, it gets shit done,’ he shrugged dismissively, ‘They’re real, it just costs a bit to set up that’s all. There’s people who can organize getting it arranged for you if you need it.’ It seemed it wasn’t a big deal as far as he was concerned, just a service you bought when you needed it.
    Apparently , I saw, I lived in Reading and worked at a solicitors ’ firm in town since I had a company photo ID tag on a lanyard as well.
    ‘That’s real as well,’ he said as I held it up, ‘and you’re on their personnel records too . They’re Wibble and Charlie’s solicitors so that’s your ticket inside.’
    That was what was worrying me.
    ‘As far as the screws are concerned there’s going to be nothing to see. You’re just going to be a bloke from their lawyers coming to see them about getting ready for the hearing. Nothing to it, no sweat.’
    He seemed completely relaxed about it, but then he wasn’t going to be the one trying to pull this off .
    Then for access to dosh, there was also a debit card and PIN.
    ‘ Like I said, you’re going to be with me so it’s not like you’ll need much but w e’ll keep an eye on it and make sure the account is kept topped up, so you’ll have enough to pay for what you need to get around as and when , f ood, booze, that sort of shit. But not too much access, you know what I mean? So keep it budget eh?’
    Sure enough , when I checked later at a machine , there was a balance of a gra nd to keep me going.
    But the underlying message was clear, the club weren’t trusting me to pick up my bags and go trotting back over the water just because they had called. Bung was n’t just here to invite me back, he was here to escort me as well. However much he didn’t say it , we both knew he was a tour guard, not a tour guide.
    We stayed overnight in Belfast and o n Sunday w e took the early afternoon flight out of the City airport down to Gatwick . Sitting shoved in together in row fourteen we ignored the stewardess doing her fixed grin, arm swinging synchronised exit signing and useless lifejacket training . W e were j ust another anonymous pair of travellers in a hundred seater turboprop powered steel smarties tube with wings about to hurl itself into the air , I though t she looked a bit like Eamur.
    But of course Eamur wasn’t with us. No, s he was going to stay behind.
    As i nsurance.

    Case number 36542 of 201 1
    Court t ranscript
    Monday 6 th June 2011
    Mr S Kirtley QC, Counsel for the P rosecution
    Ladies and gentleman of the jury , you have just heard an extract from notebooks kept contemporaneously by Mr Iain Parke; the contents of which the Crown will demonstrate throughout this case are clearly confirmed and corroborated by independent supporting evidence at crucial points.
    Th ese document s are
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