what they had just confessed, Von included. It was at that moment that she decided if God would accept her again, she wasn’t turning back. Her son Amir’s life depended on it.
Once church was over and everyone was filing out, it seemed like Chey was getting stopped every few feet because someone wanted to welcome her back home, or let her know how beautifully she sang. She was so humble and just kept giving all of the glory to God.
The next day was Von’s first day of college and she was a bit nervous, but thanks to Chey and her encouragement when she got dropped off at the halfway house, she was prepared. Getting her high school diploma behind bars was as far as she had gone, but now that she was out and in a different head space, she knew that in order to get where she wanted to be, she had to challenge herself and college would do just that.
Just as Chey made it home and got her things prepared for the week, the release and refilling that she got from attending church a while ago gave her just what she needed to be recharged and ready to go come Monday morning. Standing in her closet, she was having the hardest time picking out something to wear the next day, when her phone rang.
“Hey sissy pooh!” she greeted her best friend.
“Hey honey dip. What you got going on?” Natalia asked her.
“Just got in from church not too long ago and getting things ready for tomorrow,” Chey said, still on the hunt for an outfit.
“I knew once you got back you would be at that church house every time the doors open,” she cackled.
“Mm hmm, and your behind needs to be right there beside me. Better yet, you need to bring a pillow and blanket and just lay at the altar until you get delivered,” Cheynese shot back with a laugh.
“Oh no ma’am. After all those years of my parents dragging me to church, I have had enough. That should be enough to get me inside the pearly gates when it’s time to kick the bucket.”
“You sound like a whole fool with that logic,” Chey said and they both laughed.
“Well, you know what the Bible says somewhere round third Peter, ‘Thou God loves all fools and babies’ so I’m a shoe in.”
“Hunty, whatever Bible you read that in I need you to return it and get your money back. That’s not even in one scripture and Peter only has two books. This is why you need to come and get taught and learn the word on your own,” she laughed.
“Anywaysss, how does it feel being back home?” Natalia asked.
“It’s good. You know I love being home. When you coming to visit since I’m back?”
“I don’t know. You know no matter when I pop up, it’s always some drama with Mama and Daddy,” she said, shrugging her shoulders as if Chey could see her.
The lifestyle that she chose to live over the one her parents tried their best instilling in her was always the topic of discussion, and Natalia wasn’t here for it. If she could just go home and be accepted for who she was instead of who she wasn’t by their standards, then she would be just fine. Until then, she would continue to do her.
“They only want the best for you and you know that,” Chey tried her best to rationalize.
“Yea, well, we’ll see. I may come home soon but it’s not set in stone and don’t quote me on that either. I know how you do.”
“I guess I will just have to take a trip to see you when I get some free time then.”
“And we gonna turn up when you do, too! Hold on a sec,” Natalia told her as she clicked over to her other line.
Cheynese found the perfect outfit with the matching shoes and put them over the back of the bench at the foot of her king size bed, before climbing up to the top. She loved everything about this bed, but she would love it even more when she had someone to share it with. Chey wasn’t in a rush to just settle with anyone; she wanted the man that she eventually married to be exactly what God sent to her. All her life she dreamed of the perfect man, but after many failed
The Jilting of Baron Pelham