dated. Period.
    Never mind a piece of shit like me.
    “Are you comfortable like this? I’d like to do your hair but not if you have too much pressure on your cast.”
    I moaned.
    “It’s- it’s fine.”
    “Are you cold? Here, roll this way and I’ll dry you off.”
    “No! I’m fine like this. Verrryyyy comfortable.”
    Total silence.
    Whoops. Maybe I overdid it. Protesting too much and all that.
    I swallowed, feeling like a naughty catholic schoolboy about to be caned by a nun.
    A very, very sexy nun.
    “What is it now, Trent?”
    “Nothing. Just- please don’t make me turn over.”
    I heard her sigh. It was full of resignation. And then I heard her shoes squeaking across the floor. She was coming over to this side of the bed.
    I twisted my body to the side, rolling onto my ‘good side’. Funny how that happened. Sliding across the asphalt tended to put things into black and white.
    Good side, bad side.
    Nice girl, piece of shit scumbag.
    Life, death.
    “Trent! Be careful!”
    I grimaced. That had hurt. But I had managed to keep my monster out of her line of vision. I grabbed a washcloth and tried to cover myself.
    Then I realized something.
    She had used my name for the first time.
    “Honestly, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. I don’t know what the big deal is-“
    Her voice trailed off.
    She was around the bed again, staring at the washcloth draped over my 12 inch cock.
    Then she did something completely unexpected.
    She snatched the washcloth away.
    “It’s okay, you are just swelling. It might be a blood clot. Don’t be scared, I will take care of you.”
    She reached for the phone to page the doctor.
    “Lexi, don’t.”
    She looked at me.
    “This is normal.”
    Her jaw dropped. It literally dropped. I wanted to stick my tongue into that gorgeous mouth of hers.
    Among other things.
    “You mean-“
    I nodded.
    Yes, Lexi. This is just a garden variety boner.  
    If the garden was on steroids.
    “I apologize. You… do things to me.”
    Her mouth snapped shut. She was looking at me, not at my cock. Which I have to admit, was a first.
    Usually people stared.
    She tried to shake it off, but I could tell she was unsettled.
    Fuck, so was I.
    “It’s perfectly normal to become aroused in stressful situations.”
    She started around the bed again, utterly professional. I lay there as she bustled around, washing my back and side, working around my shredded flank. Then she started to soap my hair. The way her delicate hands felt in my hair was… astounding.
    In that moment, I would do anything for her.
    I would climb a mountain.
    I would wrestle a grizzly bear.
    I would kill for her.
    Her hands froze at the husky sound of my voice.
    My hand reached back and grabbed hers. I stared up at her. I was naked with soapy hair and an erection with the most beautiful woman in the world standing over me.
    I was ridiculous. Laughable.
    I was doomed.
    I didn’t care.
    “Kiss me.”
    Her lips parted. Her eyes softened. It wasn’t a no. It almost looked like a yes. Or it would be, if I could take advantage of the moment. I sat up, reaching for her.  
    She didn’t step back. She let me draw her down towards me. But then she froze, her lips inches from mine.
    “Please… don’t do this.”
    She was asking me not to start. I knew what she meant. She knew, as I did, that neither one of us could stop once we started.
    I didn’t fucking care.
    She could lose her job.
    I knew it. I realize that made me a bastard.
    But nothing was going to stop me from kissing her right now.
    Nothing except her beeper.
    It went off, making her jump backwards.  
    Hell, even I came close to jumping. In my condition, that was saying a lot.
    She glanced at it, shaking her head. Without dropping a beat, she briskly rubbed a towel over my damp hair and body. Then she wrapped a clean hospital gown around me, pulling the damp sheet from under me.
    She remade the bed and
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