Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)

Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sherry Ewing
She would have thought such a reaction would occur at Bamburgh. It had taken everything within her not to rush to the castle, if only to lay her hands on its outer walls and feel the cold rough stones beneath her fingertips. She only had to wait until tomorrow for it to become a reality.
    Brianna came over to place a light blanket over her. “Get some rest, sis. I’ll take care of putting our stuff away.”
    “You sure you don’t want some help,” Katherine said, even as she felt her eye lids become heavy.
    “Nah, I got it.”
    Katherine rolled over on the bed and watched Brianna begin to busily put away their clothes. She smiled as she heard her friend humming the tune she had been working on for most of the day. With no motivation to do anything else this afternoon, she closed her eyes and dreamed…
    H e stood before her with his hand outstretched for her to take, a bit of arrogance and impatience clearly etched across his features.
    “Is it you?” she heard herself ask, even though she would have known this man before her no matter where in time he had found her.
    “I only mean to keep you safe,” he declared, not answering her question as he shifted uneasily on his feet. His eyes were ever watchful on the knights standing guard nearby.
    “Yes, I know. Have you seen me before?” she asked quietly, hoping that he, too, had dreamed of her.
    He gazed down upon her, searching her face until the ocean winds whipped the hood on her cloak from her head then watched with interest as her hair became tossed about. Finally, he reached out to catch one of her errant curls. The tendril wrapped itself around his hand, almost as if laying some kind of claim to him. He began rubbing the tresses between his fingers as if memorizing the silkiness of her locks. She watched as he came back to his senses, and he frowned, she assumed, at her words. “You’re speech is most strange, mademoiselle.”
    “I’m not from…the area.”
    “You travel with King Henry? Mayhap, you are one of the ladies in waiting at court?” he inquired. One look at her humble cloak would have told him this wasn’t the case.
    “No,” she replied simply, for what explanation of where she came from would make sense to him.
    “You’re sire is here then. Perchance, I may return you to his side so I can ensure your safety,” he concluded. Once more, he held out his hand for her to take.
    She acknowledged his gesture with only a sad smile. “I suppose I’ll one day see my parents again, but I think it’s impossible for now.”
    “Then let me, at the very least, see you inside the keep so I may rest, knowing you are not in danger.”
    She looked up into his blue eyes and began to wonder if she’d ever seen their color on another. To say they were blue, didn’t do them justice. She had dreamed of him for so many years, she could only stare in wonder that he really stood before her. There was no doubt she trusted him, so she did the most natural thing she could do. Smiling, she looked into his eyes as she reached out to take his hand.
    Neither was prepared for the reaction of their hands touching, nay, going through one another. For in truth, they did not stand there in the flesh. They were but memories of what could have been, if only they had been born in the same century. Their heartrending loss brought tears of sorrow to her eyes. With only one look at his face, she knew he felt it, too.
    “I do know of you…” he whispered, his voice like a silken caress across her soul.
    “You’re name!” she cried out. “Tell me your name!”
    He began to fade from her vision, yet still, she heard his voice clearly inside her head. “Katherine…come back to me, my love─”
    “I will find you,” she promised him as a mist appeared, surrounding his body until he was at last taken from her sight. Emptiness consumed her entire being with the knowledge he might be lost to her forevermore. She could do only one thing, now that he had been torn
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