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Book: HealingPassion Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katherine Kingston
husband is dead, the king will appoint a new lord for
the lands and keep, but I’ll have a word with him and request he have a care for
you as well.”
    She didn’t answer. Her thoughts seemed focused inward, and
her fingers knotted together. She’d been carrying much responsibility and
clearly doing it well, but he suspected this was a blow that could make the
burden much greater. She braced herself on a long, hard inhalation. “I’ve
managed heretofore. I shall continue to do so.”
    Sunlight coming in the window gleamed on a few dark brown
curls that escaped from beneath her cap. It seemed to play around her slender,
graceful form—such a slight figure to carry all the burdens she now bore. He
couldn’t help but admire her. She was just such a lady as he would want for
    A most unworthy thought crossed his mind. If Groswick were
truly dead, the lady was free to marry again. All he’d learned inclined him to
believe it was so. But should he harbor a hope that it was?
    He dared lay a hand on her shoulder. The warmth of her body
seeped through her gown and sent a jolt of heat into him that sped through his
veins. “You’ve managed well, my lady. Extremely well from what I’ve seen of
your keep and demesne. All is in good order.”
    She looked up at him. Her troubled expression lightened but
didn’t disappear. “I thank you, Sir Thomas. I find one does what one has to,
whether one wishes to or not. I did not ask for this burden, but having had it
laid on me, I could not fail to take it up and meet its demands to the best of
my ability.”
    “It appears your ability is considerable.”
    “In truth, I must admit that my mother has been a great help
in it. She has a prodigious ability for organizing and managing affairs.”
    “‘Tis well you have help. But my lady, once the king hears
that Groswick is presumed dead, he will provide you with further assistance.
Had Groswick any heirs?”
    A flash of pain made her eyes narrow for a moment before she
controlled it. “We had no children.” That no doubt accounted for some of the
sadness that sometimes showed in her expression. “As for other heirs, I think
not. I’ve been told he had only one other brother, who died young. I suppose the
Earl, his uncle, would have some claim. I know of no one else.”
    “‘Twill be for the king to decide then.”
    She nodded and drew a deep breath. “Aye.”
    “What have you of dower lands?”
    “None, my lord.”
    “My Lord Groswick felt there was no need of it.”
    He stared at her, stunned. “That was not well done. And not
customary, either. Know you why he felt so?”
    She said nothing for a moment, and he had the impression she
was deciding how to reply. “Nay.” The word carried little conviction, however.
    Here was a mystery. The lady knew or had some idea why her
husband had chosen not to dower her, but she didn’t want to say what it was. He
could think of few reasons a husband would act so, and none that seemed to
apply. The lady was nobly born herself, apparently unlanded otherwise, and gave
no indication of being unstable or unreliable. It did go some way to explain
why the death of her husband should cause her so much fear.
    He leaned a little closer to her, meaning only to give
reassurance. “You worry that a new lord will come in and you’ll have no place.
Fear not, my lady. When I report to the king, I’ll mention your predicament and
ensure that provision is made for you.”
    The smile that spread across her face was surprised, sad,
hopeful, and grateful, all at once. He was stunned himself, when she suddenly
rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him, chest against his, resting her
face on his shoulder. She squeezed tightly. His body reacted. Heat poured
through him, gathering in his groin, hardening his cock. She felt like an angel
in his arms, and he wanted to hold her against him until he couldn’t stand it
anymore, then bury himself in her.
    That way lay danger, his
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