Healing Cherri
they think they are the future. I just want you to be in place for the next election, darling. You have to align yourself with the most powerful Agency. Drekinn has become too big; I agree with the Senators who are worried that they might try to make power play for control. We can’t let that happen again.”
    The President looked at his wife and narrowed his eyes. There was something there. He noticed how she pulled a link out of her pocket when she left the room. The President was going to have to keep a closer eye on his lovely wife; she may be neck deep into something that could destroy him. He would not allow that to happen.

Chapter 3
    Declan complied with everything they asked him to do, but he was quickly losing his patience with all this shit. He was minding his own business, doing his job, then all of sudden there were guns and chaos, and his mate—he wanted his mate. His wolf was getting pissed, pacing and occasionally scratching at him. It really didn’t matter if the large man, who he now knew was Kade Malaren, and the Head Enforcer with his mate, Calli, wanted him to talk. He wanted his mate and soon.
    The female who had first drawn on him in the first place was Sabrina, her Enforcer partner was Thomas. He felt like he was in grade school, and everyone was telling a little about themselves. What the hell was going on? He really didn’t care to be introduced to any more people other than his luscious mate.
    They were slowly trying to explain things to him, since they found out he was on the up and up from Brooks. Kade was standing over him acting like a paranoid father, and that was beginning to annoy him. There was more going on than met the eye. And where was the boss lady? She was the one who said she would meet him here this morning.
    “ So you're from Texas and you have no siblings. Your parents left you their ranch, which you still own, and you have a Doctorate in Microbiology. You have been hired to take over the lab so Cherri can focus on the medical research side,” Kade repeated.
    “ Yes, this is the third time we have gone over it, and it won’t change the fourth time. I hate to point out we're all sitting in here going over a bunch of shit that I already went over with Ms. Praton, why don’t you just bring her in here, and we can all go about our day? I really have a lot to do now,” Declan said calmly, his wolf pushing him, making his tone harsher than what it should have been. For some reason, his wolf was trying to submit to this man as his Alpha. He had read about it in books, and his father explained when he was younger about Alphas and their behaviors. Since his parent’s death, he hadn't had to worry about that, he was technically the Alpha of his family, until he decided to join another. It was like his wolf was making a decision without him, but it had to be impossible. He was a Lone Wolf; he had no desire to join a family yet.
    Kade ran a hand through his hair. “Do you by any chance have your family’s history? Like a family tree or a book?”
    Declan looked up surprised, and said, “Uh, is that part of the job requirement, because I'm pretty sure I wasn’t told I had to provide that? Is this like a background check or something? ‘Cause I can tell you I lead a boring life, man. Out on the fucking Texas plains there isn’t much to do unless you can get into the city.”
    Kade looked over his shoulder at the two Enforcers, who were still standing in the room. The man kept checking his watch and looking toward the door. “Thomas, go check on him, and then come back and give me a report. Hey, stop by the lab and tell my mate to hurry her ass up.”
    “ Cherri messaged a minute ago; she thinks she has something that will work,” Thomas said and looked at Kade.
    The Enforcer was feeling the guilt of being Kiki’s guard and for watching him get shot and almost killed right in front of him, Kade thought. Or his mate was right and there was something
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