Hard Rocked

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Book: Hard Rocked Read Online Free PDF
Author: Clara Bayard
Tags: Romance
weren’t on this plane and it wouldn’t get both of us in a lot of trouble, I’d kiss you right here and show you exactly how sexy I find you.”

Chapter Four
    My heart thudded in my chest and something low in my belly coiled up tight. “Dex-”
    “Wait,” he said, sliding closer to me. “Don’t say anything. I know this is crazy and unprofessional and a hundred other things. I’m not stupid. I just want you to know the truth. You’re an incredibly sexy, beautiful woman. That’s not a line, it’s a fact.” He shrugged and sat back. “I’m not going to try anything or push you. But please remember what I said.”
    I opened and closed my mouth a few times. It was an entirely new Dex. One I had no idea how to react to. Thoughts and feelings flew through me in a jumble and I wondered how I got myself in this ridiculous situation. Oh, right. Opening my big mouth .
    “Y-you should probably go back to your seat,” I managed to say.
    Dex smiled and nodded, then released me and stood up. It took every bit of self-control I had to keep from watching him go. Instead, I shoved my face and my attention back into work. I needed to make edits to a timeline for the next few days and hoped it would be enough to make me forget about what he’d said and how deeply it had impacted me.
    After a while I shut my laptop and leaned my head back to rest. Silently reviewing my work, I drifted off in a haze of addresses and times.
    The flight attendant announcing our imminent arrival woke me. On regular planes a pilot or whoever would tell everyone over the intercom and spur a rush to stow bags and settle in. On the private flight she stepped into the main cabin to tell us and handed out glasses of chilled champagne.
    I refused one with a smile and started packing up my bag. Most of the others were also just waking up, stretching or grumbling. I noticed Joe and Liss were missing, but didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t like they could have left while I slept.
    Rubbing at my sore neck from sleeping so long in one position, I glanced around again. Dex had moved over to sit next to Matthew. They were huddled over an iPad playing some kind of game. I meant to look away before he caught me, but I was too slow.
    Dex’s gaze found mine and he smiled. I didn’t know what to do, but was fortunately saved by Joe and Liss’s appearance from behind me.
    The flight attendant frowned at them, but not very sternly. “Please take your seats for landing.”
    Liss brushed past me and I saw she was blushing, and her shirt seemed to be on inside-out. That, coupled with Joe’s swagger back to their spot answered the question of what they’d been up to. I wouldn’t have thought both of them could fit in the bathroom for very long, let alone move around in there. But the other thing behind my seat on the plane was the storage area and I knew that was full.
    At least someone was had truly enjoyed the flight.
    We touched down at Biggin Hill airport, about an hour from the center of London. There had been some documentation about why we were landing there, but I couldn’t remember it now. All I needed to know was that a bus would be waiting to take everyone to the hotel. At least it better be. I’d confirmed the time before we took off. There’d be staff to help load up the bags and important pieces of equipment the band needed to have on the flight, which meant we all would have some time to stretch our legs, and I could find somewhere to pee before hitting the road.
    It was refreshing to wait to exit a plane without someone smacking me in the back of the head with a massive carry-on bag, or almost getting trampled by people from the back who couldn’t wait five minutes to move. It bummed me out to remember we’d be flying commercial for the rest of our time in Europe. I was completely spoiled after one seven hour flight. The thought amused me and I smiled as I helped Joe and one of the suit guys pull thing out of the storage
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